List of uncommon nonbinary identities

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    This list of uncommon nonbinary identities contains gender identities that have been coined by various people but are not widely-used. This does not mean that the identity is not valid, but that not many people have decided to use it (More information...). See also List of nonbinary identities.


    • ambonec. A nonbinary "gender identity in which you identify as both male and female, yet you also identify as neither, at the same time."[1][2][3]



    • collgender. Coined by anonymous in 2014. Having "too many simultaneous genders to describe each one."[4]


    • demiflux. A gender identity for "someone whose gender is partially fluid with the other part(s) being static; this differs from 'demifluid' as '-flux' indicates that one of the genders is neutral; an example could be: one part of their gender is 'genderqueer' while the part that fluctuates is 'agender' and 'woman'."[5] "A term for polygender/bigender individuals to describe when one of their genders is “static” and the other ranges in intensity and presence. coined by: aflutteringlaney" [6]


    • eafluid. Coined by a-tiny-peach in 2014. "Genderfluid but mostly/only fluid with androgynous [non-binary] genders (based on earth symbol)". Syn. nobifluid, enbyfluid [7]
    • effreu. From French effrayant "scary" + neutre "neutral," coined by angeligender in 2014. A scary non-binary gender. "It is a [non-binary] gender, may be paired with agender and other genders." Counterparts: effrille, effron.[8] Keywords: emotion
    • effrille. From French effrayant "scary" + fille "girl," coined by angeligender in 2014. "Scary girl. it is a [non-binary] girl gender, may be paired with agender and other genders." Counterparts: effron, effreu.[8]
    • effron. From French effrayant "scary" + garçon "boy", coined by angeligender in 2014. "Scary boy. it is a [non-binary] boy gender, may be paired with agender and other genders." Counterparts: effrille, effreu.[8]
    • epicene. Meaning gender-neutral or genderless, some people use this as the name for their gender identity.



    • Gallus (pl. Galli, also Gallae). In ancient Rome (c. 204 BCE), many of the ancient priest(esse)s of the goddess Cybele were Gallae, voluntary eunuchs who were analogous to either transgender women, or to a nonbinary gender role. The tradition has been revived today: some worshipers of Cybele-- and some trans and nonbinary individuals-- call themselves Gallae. One of their temples is in New York. Why this is considered poorly-attested: Need demographics. Need evidence that this is nonbinary, rather than another gender role.
    • genderfae. Coined by anonymous in 2014. "An experience of genderfluidity that never encompasses feeling masculine." [9] Similar: femmefluid, antigender. Keywords: feminine, neutral.



    • intergender.[10] Coined in the 1990s or earlier. A certain nonbinary gender identity in between female and male. In the 1990s, this was an identity label that any person could use, even if they were born with non-intersex (dyadic) bodies,Cite error: Closing </ref> missing for <ref> tag Similar: nocturnalgender, lunagender. Keywords: genderfluid.


    • libragender. Coined by libragender in 2014. "Gender that is mostly agender, but has a strong connection to a different gender; a scale, where one side is agender and one side is male/female. The agender outweighs the male/female, but male/female is still there" [11]


    • marfluid. Coined by a-tiny-peach in 2014. "Genderfluid but mostly/only fluid with masculine genders (based on mars symbol)." [12] Synonyms butchfluid, mascufluid. Antonyms femmefluid, genderfae, venufluid.


    • null gender. A person without a gender identity, or whose gender identity is not feminine and not masculine.




    • qirl. A gender identity for black transgender nonbinary feminine people.[13]
    • questioning. Some take up this as a name for their gender identity, and some see it as a nonbinary gender identity.



    • transgender[14] is an umbrella term for all genders that go beyond society’s ideas of gender, which includes some kinds of binary gender people. Some call their gender identity simply "transgender," as a nonbinary identity itself. Why this is in the list of poorly-attested nonbinary identities: transgender is a common enough identity, held by thousands, but we need evidence that many people use "transgender" as nonbinary identity in and of itself.



    • venufluid. Coined by a-tiny-peach. "Genderfluid but mostly/only fluid with feminine genders (based on venus symbol)." [15] Syn. femmefluid.



    See also
