Небинарная гендерная идентичность

Revision as of 17:41, 6 August 2020 by imported>Shoterra (Created page with "Есть много Известные небинарные люди|известных людей, которые имеют небинарную гендерную иде...")
« Я по-прежнему сталкиваюсь с сомнениями и вопросами в этом путешествии, но, несмотря на трудности, которые приходят с моим нахождением под зонтом трансгендерности, я не жалею, и очень сильно надеюсь на будущее. Я учусь любить себя и жить вне бинарности »
Джей, 19 (небинарные)[1]

Nonbinary (also spelled non-binary)[2] is an umbrella term covering any gender identity or expression that does not fit within the gender binary. The label may also be used by individuals wishing to identify as falling outside of the gender binary without being any more specific about the nature of their gender.

-Жёлтый: гендер без связи с бинарными.
-Белый: несколько или все гендеры.
-Фиолетовый: гендер, находящийся между, или являющийся сочетанием мужского и женского.
-Чёрный: отсутсвие гендера
Related identities transgender, genderqueer
Click here to see alternative flags!

As an umbrella term, nonbinary has similar scope to genderqueer with most nonbinary-identifying individuals also considering themselves genderqueer. However the terms have different meanings and connotations. The term genderqueer predates nonbinary by at least a decade.

Kye Rowan designed the nonbinary flag in 2014, shown at right. This flag is meant to "represent nonbinary folk who did not feel that the genderqueer flag represented them. This flag was intended to go alongside Marilyn Roxie's genderqueer flag rather than replace it. The flag consists of four stripes. From top to bottom, they are yellow, white, purple, and black.. Yellow represents those whose gender exists outside of and without reference to the binary, as yellow is often used to distinguish something as its own. White represents those who have many or all genders, as white is the photological presence of color and/or light. The purple stripe represents those who feel their gender is between or a mix of female and male, as purple is the mix of traditional boy and girl colors. The purple could also be seen as representing the fluidity and uniqueness of nonbinary people. The final black stripe represents those who feel they are without gender, as black is the photological absence of color and/or light." The nonbinary flag and the genderqueer flag are both options for nonbinary people to use to symbolize themselves and take different approaches to how to symbolize nonbinary genders.


Фотография, сделанная во время марша Парижского гей-прайда в 2016 году. Баннер раскрашен в цвета флага небинарных. Большие буквы говорят: "Мой пол небинарен" на фоне маленькими буквами перечислены название конктретных небинарных идентичностей

"Читайте основную статью история небинарных гендеров".

In 2014, Kye Rowan designed the nonbinary flag, shown at the top of this article. This flag is meant to "represent nonbinary folk who did not feel that the genderqueer flag represented them. This flag was intended to go alongside Marilyn Roxie's genderqueer flag rather than replace it. The flag consists of four stripes. From top to bottom: yellow represents those whose gender exists outside of and without reference to the binary as yellow is often used to distinguish something as its own. White represents those who have many or all genders as white is the photological presence of color and/or light. The purple stripe represents those who feel their gender is between or a mix of female and male as purple is the mix of traditional boy and girl colors. The purple also could be seen as representing the fluidity and uniqueness of nonbinary people. The final black stripe represents those who feel they are without gender, as black is the photological absence of color and/or light." The nonbinary flag and the genderqueer flag are both options for nonbinary people to use to symbolize themselves, and take different approaches to how to symbolize nonbinary genders.

В 2014 году "Небинарные" стал одним из 56 гендеров доступных на Facebook.[3]

Использование термина энби

Table displaying the percentages of respondents sorted by their preferred word.[4]

The word enby (plural enbies, from N-B) is an alternative word that can be used to talk about nonbinary people. It seems to have been coined by Tumblr user revolutionator in 2013 as the nonbinary equivalent of boy and girl.[5][6] As such, many people don't understand it as a full equivalent for nonbinary and instead it's often used to refer to nonbinary people of young age. The 2020 Gender Census shows how the older someone is, the less likely they are to use this word for themselves.[4]

Небинарные идентичности

There is more information about this topic here: Список_небинарных_идентичностей

Здесь приведены некоторые из наиболее распостраненных идентичностей, которые попадают под зонтичное определение небинарности, но не ограничиваются им

  • Agender aka Genderless, Non-gender - Having no gender identity or no gender to express (Similar and sometimes used interchangeably with Gender Neutral and/or Neutrois).
  • Androgyne aka Androgynous gender - Identifying or presenting between the binary options of man and woman or masculine and feminine (Similar and sometimes used interchangeably with Intergender).
  • Multigender (may also include Androgyne) - Moving between two or more different gender identities at different times/situations or having more than one gender identity at one time. Some multigender identities are bigender, polygender, and genderfluid.
  • Gender Neutral aka Neutral Gender - Having a neutral gender identity and/or expression, or identifying with the preference for gender neutral language and pronouns.
  • Genderqueer aka Gender Queer - Non-normative gender identity or expression. While genderqueer originated as an inclusive umbrella term, it is also considered by many to be an individual identity.
  • Intergender - Having a gender identity between the two binary options of man and woman or masculine and feminine
  • Neutrois - Belonging to a non-gendered or neutral gendered class, usually but not always used to indicate the desire to hide or remove gender cues
  • Nonbinary or non-binary - Identifying with the umbrella term covering all people with gender outside of the binary, without defining oneself more specifically. Is also used as an individual identity in itself. One could be nonbinary butch or nonbinary femme.
  • Transgender - Identifying with the umbrella term covering all gender identities or expressions that transgress or transcend (go beyond the limits of) society’s rules and concepts of gender (Transgender is a wide umbrella term also covering people who hold binary gender identities and expressions but who transgress gender by transitioning between the binary genders).

Вы можете узнать о них больше в статье список небинарных идентичностей.

Небинарная презентация и самовыражение

Нет единого или 'правильного' способа выражения небинарного гендера. Большинство небинарных людей руководствуются в первую очередь удобством и желанием быть верными себе, а не попытками следовать какой-то определенной гендерной роли. Небинарные люди могут или не могут испытать Гендерную дисфорию или может возникнуть только телесная или социальная дисфория. Небинарность - широкий термин, охватывающий большое количество гендерных идентичностей и самовыражений. Какой бы путь небинарные люди не выбирали для своего самовыражения и презентации своего гендера, этот путь допустим

Не все недвоичные люди испытывают гендерной дисфории или хотят совершить'переход'. Некоторые считают, что нет социальной роли или тела в которое переход может быть совершён и просто фокусируются на том, что бы быть собой

Андрогинная или гендерно-нейтральная репрезентация

Some nonbinary people may choose or need to present an androgynous or gender neutral gender expression; perhaps choosing to hide, remove or blend gender cues. This is personal to each individual and is not any more nonbinary than any other way of expressing a nonbinary gender.

Some nonbinary people experience bodily dysphoria relating to certain primary or secondary sexual characteristics. The act of obscuring, removing or replacing these sexual characteristics in order to reduce gender dysphoria may result in physical androgyny without the individual having set out to specifically obtain an androgynous presentation.


Презентация некоторых небинарных людей является 'конфликтной' комбинацией Гендерных знаков и при этом они нелогичные, вызывающие или шокирующие для тех, кто ожидает, что другие будут пытаться раствориться в Гендерной бинарности. Например, сочетание бороды с макияжем и бюстгальтером. Эта практика агрессивного нарушения правил гендерной презентации известна как гендернах, гендертрах и иногда гендерпанк.

Гендерно нейтральный язык

Некоторые небинарные люди предпочитают использовать в отношении себя гендерно нейтральный язык и местоимения. Некоторые выбирают гендерно нейтральное обращение, например используют "Miks(Mx.)" вместо "Mistress(Mrs.)" или "Mister(Mr.)". Другие могут отказаться от него вообще

Расширение или разрушение бинарных гендерных ролей и языка

Some nonbinary people prefer to expand on or subvert what is considered socially acceptable for their assigned gender. This may involve preferring binary pronouns while crossdressing, blending or mixing gender cues or otherwise subverting the expectations society places on that gender role. Some may consider this to be a political act, for others this is simply an expression of self identity or personality. Some nonbinary people have no preference for gender neutral language but instead have a preference against the language and pronouns associated with the gender they were assigned at birth.

Известные небинарные люди

"Читайте основную статью: Известные небинарные люди"

Есть много известных людей, которые имеют небинарную гендерную идентичность. Ниже приведены только некоторые из тех известных людей, которые использую слово "небинарные" в отношении себя

  • Olly Alexander, the lead singer and songwriter for electropop band Years and Years.[7]
  • Kate Bornstein, an influential writer on gender theory, publishing books on the subject from the 1990s to the present.[8]
  • Amanda Stenberg, a singer and actor who has won the BET Awards for YoungStar Award.[9][10]
  • Rebecca Sugar (a nonbinary woman) is a writer, songwriter, and artist whose work on the cartoon series Adventure Time and Steven Universe has earned her six Primetime Emmy Award nominations.[11]
  • Sam Smith, a renowned English singer, Grammy winner and nominee. They came out as non-binary and changed their pronouns to they/them in September of 2019. [12]

Небинарные персонажи в кино и литературе

"Читайте основную статью: Небинарные персонажи в кино и литературе"

There are many more nonbinary characters in fiction who have a gender identity outside of the binary. The following are only some of those characters who are specifically called by the word "nonbinary," either in their canon, or by their creators.

Please expand this section, giving quotes that show that the characters are specifically called by the word "nonbinary."

Смотрите также


  1. This quote is a snippet from an answer to the survey conducted in the year 2018. Note for editors: the text of the quote, as well as the name, age and gender identity of its author shouldn't be changed.
  2. Gender Census 2018: The spelling question
  3. Ева Шапиро, "гендерные схемы: тела и идентичность в век технологий." Unpaged.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Cassolotl (15 June 2020). "On "enby" and age". Gender Census. Retrieved 15 June 2020.
  5. @cassolotl on Tumblr (September 2013)
  6. argentconflagration on Tumblr (November 2013)
  7. Years & Years: Inspiring - #PlessPlayForPride Spotify, June 7 2016
  8. Retrieved November 11, 2019. http://katebornstein.com
  9. hi folks, @dazedfields and I are organizing a workshop on feminism, amandla.tumblr.com, March 2, 2016
  10. Hunger Games actress says she 'doesn't feel like a woman all the time', Gay Star News, March 4, 2016
  11. https://io9.gizmodo.com/steven-universes-rebecca-sugar-on-how-she-expresses-her-1827624015?IR=T
  12. https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-49688123