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    This list of uncommon nonbinary identities contains gender identities that have been coined by various people but are not widely-used. This does not mean that the identity is not valid, but that not many people have decided to use it (More information...). See also List of nonbinary identities.

    Name Definition Umbrella History Related gender identities Notes Extra sources
    Abimegender A gender which is profound, deep, and infinite.[1] Xenogender
    Aerogender "Where an individual’s gender relies highly on their setting and/or atmosphere, which can be composed of a great number of things (ex. who they’re around, their level of comfort, the temperature, the weather, the time of day/year, etc.)."[2] Coined by tenderagender
    Aesthetigender, aesthetgender "A gender experience that is derived from, or the embodiment of, an aesthetic."[3] or "A gender experience that is derived from, or the embodiment of, an aesthetic."[4] Xenogender Coined by curiosityismysin
    Affectugender A gender that is affected by one’s neurodivergency, especially fluctuating moods, e.g. feeling like a boy during depressive episodes and feeling more like a demigirl during manic episodes.[5] Neurogender Coined by joysooyoungs Only for people with mood disorders or personality disorders. [6]
    Agenderflux "Where you identify as agender but have fluctuations where you feel feminine or masculine but not male or female."[7] Coined in 2014 by perfectlybrokenbones
    Alexigender "A fluid gender experience, where you are aware that your gender is changing but cannot label each individual gender".[8] Genderfluid Coined in 2014 by eaglestrike
    Aliagender “A gender experience which is 'other', or stands apart from existing gender constructs.”[9] From Latin alius, "other".
    Aliengender "A gender that is an interpretation of a gender or genders, from a nonhuman perspective. may or may not like to fit into a gender and adopt a gender, but in a sort of ‘alien trying out foreign species’s gender’ way."[10]
    Amaregender "A gender that changes depending on who you’re in love with".[11] Genderfluid Coined in 2014 by transmomoi
    Ambigender "Experiencing two genders simultaneously and without fluidity or shifting."[12] Defined in 2014 by Baaphomett Possibly a synonym of bigender.
    Ambonec A nonbinary "gender identity in which you identify as both male and female, yet you also identify as neither, at the same time."[13][14][15]
    Amicagender "A gender that changes depending on which friend you’re with at the moment".[16] Coined in 2014 by transmomoi
    Amorgender When your gender changes whilst in the presence of an individual to whom you have developed a deep connection for. This could be a romantic attraction, platonic connection, a spiritual affinity or anything similar. Can be combined with relevant genders to express what your gender changes to.[17][18] Genderfluid
    Antiagender Similar to aporagender, but defined as the opposite of no gender.
    Antiaporagender "[S]imilar to aporagender, a gender that is neither masculine nor feminine and has a gendered feeling, but the feeling isn’t specific or strong".[18]
    Antiboy The opposite of a boy, but not a girl.[18]
    Antibigender "[A] bigender experience where one or both genders are antigenders".[18] Bigender
    Antigender "Genders that can only be defined as the opposite of an existing gender. For instance: antiboy would be the opposite of a boy. [A]ntigirl would be the opposite of a girl."[19] Possibly xenogender Coined by asexualjavert[20] and kgmps2[21] .
    Antigirl The opposite of a girl, but not a boy.[18]
    Ungender A category of genders that are "Not without but a negative; an unboy would be the negative of a boy and an ungirl would be the negative of a girl." [22] Coined by Baaphomett This has a homonym that is widely used in the transgender community: "to ungender" is a verb similar in meaning to the verb "to misgender," that is, to portray someone's gender in a degrading way that they would not have wanted.
    Anxiegender A gender affected by anxiety Neurogender
    Apagender "Someone who is apathetic towards their gender identity and doesn’t care enough to look further into it."[23] Coined in 2014 by anonymous Compare cassgender, commogender, gendermeh, genderwhat, nologender, personagender.
    Aporagender An umbrella term for "a gender separate from male, female, and anything in between while still having a very strong and specific gendered feeling" (that is, not an absence of gender).[24][25] From Greek apo, apor, "separate.[26] Coined in 2014 In cassolotl's Nonbinary Stats Survey 2016, 5 respondents identified as aporagender. Why this was moved to the list of poorly-attested identities: fewer than 10 are known to hold this identity.
    Aquarigender "A gender that is perpetually changing. It is never to a specific gender identity, but sometimes there are existing labels that are close to what the gender feels like at the time. Sometimes it changes to a completely inexplicable feeling. Aquarigender is a flowing gender that changes slowly and constantly. It is not a set amount of genders that it switches between. Aquarigender is infinite. (Aquarigender can alternatively be called genderflow.)"[27] Genderfluid Coined in 2014 by 8-bit-angel
    Argogender(fluid) "A subset of genderfluid wherein the changes between one’s separate genders or the parts of one’s gender happen gradually. 'Argogender' can also mean a gender the user defines according to any kind of slowness. Prefix from the Greek word αργóς meaning slow."[28] Genderfluid Coined in 2014 by gyey
    Archaicgender "A gender that stretches far beyond one’s own age or lifetime. The vast-age of this gender has allowed it to grow far beyond whatever size/presence one would expect, or perhaps to shrink down and almost be forgotten."[29] Coined by irredeemablegoety Archaigender, historiagender
    Archaigender "A gender that is ancient/old and big, and can either only be described with those words, or is correlated to them. Can be changed into archaiboy/girl/nonbinary/other."[30] Coined by completelynormalscientist archaicgender, historiagender
    Arithmogender "A number gender. It can range from any number/s, positive, negative, decimals, fractions, etc. gender can be replaced with xirl, fluid, girl, boi, nb, nonbinary, boy, enby, etc."[31] Coined by furryhell
    Astergender "Latin - related to 'star'. Having a gender which is bright, celestial, and radial."[32]
    Blizgender "Similar to frostgender [which is cold and snowy], but more intense and sometimes harsh."[33] Xenogender Coined in 2014 by asperdemigirl
    Boggender, swampgender A gender that feels like, or can be compared to a bog, swamp, marsh or similar.[34] Coined by anonymous
    Bordergender, borderfluid A fluctuating gender experienced exclusively by people with BPD. A gender identity lacking a firm grasp on ones identity, while still experiencing gender, to varying degrees, but having trouble pinning it down to just one label or identity. Having the sense of grasping at labels as much as possible to describe a gender we keep questioning because we keep second guessing our sense of selves and, consequentially, our sense of gender. Neurogender Coined by izayaorihahaha[35]
    Brevigender "A gender experience that is brief or short."[36] Coined by curiosityismysin.
    Cadogender "A subcategory of polygender identities (genderfluid, bigender, trigender, etc.) to have a gender to fall back on or one that you always go back to. ... Can be used with other terms like cadoboy, cadogirl, cadonb, cadoandrogyne, etc."[37] From Latin cado, "I fall". Multigender, genderfluid Coined in 2014 by can-i-hide-in-you
    Cadensgender "A gender that is easily influenced by music."[38]
    Caelgender A gender which shares qualities with outer space or has the aesthetic of space, stars, nebulae, etc.[39] Coined by transmomoi
    Cassgender "Feeling utterly indifferent to gender, believing it isn’t important."[40] Coined by okaygender
    Cendgender "From ascend/descend. when your gender changes between one gender and its antigender. the word gender can be replaced be the gender involved, for example cendgirl is when you flip between girl and antigirl."[41] Genderfluid Coined in 2014 by anonymous
    Cheiragender "A fluid gender that’s manipulative towards the being whose gender aligns with it (to make it simple, i’m just gonna refer to them as the ‘owner’). while it is manipulative itself, it can be easily manipulated by it’s owner. typically the gender and owner don’t usually agree with each other, so it’s usually a gender tug-of-war (of course this isn’t necessary or always like this; they can agree on something and they can also just not care at the time, most of the time, etc). the intensity of the manipulation from both the gender and owner can change day to day. ... a fluid gender that you basically play gender tug-of-war with."[42] From Greek cheiragógisi, "to manipulate". Genderfluid Coined by furryhell
    Cocoongender "A gender that has not come out yet, a gender that has yet to emerge in its full form."[43] Coined in 2014 by passengender
    Commogender "Definitely knowing you aren’t cis, but you’re too exhausted to think about gender so you just settle for boy or girl, e.g. commoboy and commogirl"[44] Definition coined by anonymous, term coined by transmomoi[44]
    Cogitogender "A gender that only exists when you think about it, or is quiet until called to attention. alternatively, feeling genderless until a gender is consciously chosen."[45] Coined in 2014 by anonymous
    Collgender Having "too many simultaneous genders to describe each one."[46] Multigender Coined in 2014 by anonymous
    Condigender "A gender that is only felt under specific circumstances. can apply to any existing gender such as girl, boy, non-binary, etc. for example, a condigirl may only feel like a girl during specific times or with specific people, a condiboy may only feel like a boy during specific times or with specific people, so on."[47] Coined in 2014 by robotxt
    Conflictgender "A gender that involves the conflict between two or more genders that you can’t place a name to as the genders fluctuate constantly and you may not always feel a certain gender on some days but it’s definitely there."[48] Coined in 2014 by anonymous
    Contigender "1. a gender that flows through space and time and constantly changes, always moving 2. a gender of or related to space and time. this gender can be used by itself or along with another gender to describe its state of movement e.g. a conti agender or a contigender demigirl."[49] Genderfluid Coined in 2014 by hardcoreshounen
    Contragender "Someone who deeply defies and identifies opposite or against everything or most things that they associate with their assigned gender. (ex. contragender nb person, contragender trans woman, contragender trans man, etc.)".[50] Coined by tenderagender
    Corugender, flashgender "where your gender changes during (and around) flashbacks. based on the Latin for flash (coruscans). note: only for neurodivergent people."[51] Genderfluid, neurogender Coined in 2014 by gmaora Only for neurodivergent people
    Cosmicgender "A gender so vast and complex that you are only able to process a small bit of it at a time. like viewing the night sky through a telescope you cannot hope to see all of it at once however you may gain more knowledge about parts of it the longer you focus on one part. may contain any number of sub genders within it that may present themselves to you. it is infinite in its possibility. name from the vast reaches of space filled with things we cannot begin to imagine."[52] Coined in 2014 by dragon-friker
    Cryptogender, gendercryptic "A gender one can’t discern, describe or define in human words. a gender one is puzzled by and can’t put a finger on, as it feels like it is and it isn’t there without following any particular pattern, sometimes even at the same time. the impenetrability, ambiguity and uncertainty that surround this gender are vaguely reminiscing of cryptids, ghouls and the paranormal."[53] Coined in 2014 by puurpel
    Crystagender "When your gender randomly changes, and you often feel broken or fractured between multiple different genders. For example, on one day, you might feel like you’re 110% agender, but on the next you’re broken into demigirl&nan0boy, androgynous, etc. Whether you feel like you switch between these genders throughout the time period, or feel like all at once, is up to the person."[54] Coined in 2014 by anonymous
    Cyclogender "A gender identity that changes with one's menstrual cycle." [55]. Coined in 2014 by flynneleh
    Deaboy, deamasculine "for masculine-identified or partially masculine-identified people that still feel a connection to feminine energy due to their spirituality. Intended for pagans but totally okay for anyone who practices goddess worship or feminine energy."[56] From Latin dea, "godess". Coined in 2014 by anonymous Compare deogirl, deofeminine
    Dedliciagender "To have multiple genders, but preferring how one fits over others. Could be used as deliciagender, or deliciaboy/girl/nonbinary."[57] From Latin delicia "favorite". Multigender, genderfluid Coined in 2014 by twerkingobserver
    Deogirl, deofeminine "For feminine-identified or partially feminine-identified people that still feel a connection to masculine energy due to their spirituality. Intended for pagans but totally okay for anyone who practices gods worship or masculine energy worship of any kind."[58] From Latin deo "god". Coined in 2014 by anonymous Compare deaboy, deamasculine
    1. A gender identity for "someone whose gender is partially fluid with the other part(s) being static; this differs from 'demifluid' as '-flux' indicates that one of the genders is neutral; an example could be: one part of their gender is 'genderqueer' while the part that fluctuates is 'agender' and 'woman'."[59]
    1. "A term for polygender/bigender individuals to describe when one of their genders is “static” and the other ranges in intensity and presence. " [60]
    2. Coined by aflutteringlaney
    Digigender "A digital gender. it can range from any digital thing or file; virus, malware, .txt, .mp3, anti-virus, trojan, email, etc. gender can be replaced with girl, xirl, nonbinary, nb, enby, fluid, boy, boi, etc."[61][62] Xenogender Coined by furryhell
    Dulcigender An aesthetically-centered gender that is associated largely with stereotypically feminine things (such as pinks, frills, buns, and general cute things).[63] Coined by transmomoi
    Duragender "A subcategory of polygender (genderfluid, bigender, trigender, etc) with an identifiable, long lasting gender that is more prominent than the other genders experienced. ex: duragirl, duraboy, duranonbinary, etc."[64] From Latin dura "long-lasting". Multigender, genderfluid Coined in 2014 by genderlost
    Eafluid "Genderfluid but mostly/only fluid with androgynous [non-binary] genders (based on earth symbol)" [65] Genderfluid Coined in 2014 by a-tiny-peach Syn. nobifluid, enbyfluid
    Earthgender A gender identity that has to do with the Earth or nature, or the deities and living beings thereof.[66][67] Coined in 2014 by anonymous
    Effreu A scary non-binary gender. "It is a [non-binary] gender, may be paired with agender and other genders." [68] From French effrayant "scary" + neutre "neutral". Coined in 2014 by angeligender Efron (masc.)

    Efrille (fem.)
    Efrille "Scary girl. it is a [non-binary] girl gender, may be paired with agender and other genders." Counterparts: effron, effreu.[68] From French effrayant "scary" + fille "girl". Coined in 2014 by angeligender
    Effron "Scary boy. it is a [non-binary] boy gender, may be paired with agender and other genders." Counterparts: effrille, effreu.[68] From French effrayant "scary" + garçon "boy". Coined in 2014 by angeligender
    Egoisgender "An egotistical gender, much like narkissisgender but generally it’s not as ‘intense’ as narkissisgender is so to speak. it can be used by anyone. gender can be replaced with boi, xirl, nonbinary, fluid, etc."[69] From Danish egoistik, "selfish". Coined in 2014 by furryhell Narkissisgender (only for people with NPD)
    Endogender "A gender similar to genderflux, but limited specifically to one gendered feeling. For example, a endoboy has fluctuating masculine gender feelings, but never feelings that are not partially masculine." [70]. From Latin endo "within". Coined in 2014 ness-kin
    Entrogender "A gender that is slowly but constantly wearing away. Can also be used like “demi,” e.g. an entrogirl might be someone who identifies as female while that femaleness is gradually deteriorating." [71]. From entropy. Coined in 2014 by gyey
    Epicene Meaning gender-neutral or genderless, some people use this as the name for their gender identity.
    Eunuch A person who was assigned male at birth and had some or all of their private parts removed. Some transgender people think of themselves as eunuchs. Some think of eunuch as a nonbinary gender identity.[72]
    Evaisgender, avainsgender "A fluid gender that’s easily influenced by things, thoughts and beings around it, thus it tends to change a lot within a single day." [73] From Greek evaísthitos, "sensitive". Genderfluid Coined in 2014 by furryhell
    Explorogender "A gender dedicated to feeling and exploring many other different genders at random times and its constantly changing (explorogender can change DAILY and you can change it daily, explorogender is just a name FOR that desire to constantly explore and change your gender, also can change the word gender to ANY gender/noun of what youre feeling). note: this does not extend the ability to explore genders people don’t have access to (neurodivergent and cultural ones, etc.)" [74] Coined in 2014 by toudoo and anonymous
    Faegender "When an individual’s gender changes with the seasons, equinoxes, and moon phases." [75] Genderfluid Coined in 2014 by anonymous
    Fascigender "A gender experience largely related to a special interest. [76] Neurogender Coined in 2014 by autisticjakeenglish Only for autistic people
    Faunagender A "gender influenced by animals."[77][78] Coined by nooklicker
    Felinegender, felidaegender, feligender, felisgender "A gender corresponding to cats. When you feel fuzzy, and fluffy, and really want your chin scratched."[79] Coined by gluskinner
    Firegender A fluid gender in a constant state of change that never truly extinguishes. Aesthetically linked to fire as a visual metaphor or symbol.[80] Coined by deanwinchesterinmyheart
    Fissgender "A gender experience that is in some way split, similar to bigender or demigenders."[3]. Coined in 2014 by curiosityismysin
    Flirtgender, amogender, genderamas "a gender where your primary interaction with gender feelings is that of flirtiness - either with gender, or people/the outside world" [81][82]. Coined in 2014 by fluiditylife
    Foggender a gender which is close to a certain gender, but cannot be directly pinpointed due to brainfog (a lack of concentration or wakefulness associated with ADHD, fibromyalgia, depression, etc.)[83] Neurogender Coined by autisticlynx
    Freezegender "Similar to frostgender [which is cold and snowy], but it also encompasses other genders as well. such as a freezegirl experiencing both a cold and snowy gender but also being a female, for example."[84][85] Demigender Coined in 2014 by asperdemigirl Wintgender, wintegender
    Frostgender "A gender which is cold and very snowy."[86][87] Coined in 2014 by asperdemigirl
    FTN Female to neuter/neutral/neutrois transsexual or transgender[88]
    Gallus Pl. Galli, also Gallae. In ancient Rome (c. 204 BCE), many of the ancient priest(esse)s of the goddess Cybele were Gallae, voluntary eunuchs who were analogous to either transgender women, or to a nonbinary gender role. The tradition has been revived today: some worshipers of Cybele–and some trans and nonbinary individuals–call themselves Gallae. One of their temples is in New York. Why this is considered poorly-attested: Need demographics. Need evidence that this is nonbinary, rather than another gender role.
    Gemelgender "Having two genders which are equally primary or having a fluid gender which was once one but is currently two, split, separated, or twain." [89] From Old French, related to "twin", "two connected", "one made to be two". Multigender, genderfluid Coined in 2014
    Gemigender "A gender derived from the zodiac sign gemini. feeling that you identify with multiple genders that are opposite to each other but yet work in flux with each other." [90] Multigender Coined in 2014 by genderarchive
    Gendercluster "a gender that is a cluster of multiple sub genders which may overlap sometimes" [91] Coined by aetherkinbirb
    Gender-blank Having no gender.[92][93] Syn. agender
    Genderblur "Where your gender changes constantly but fades away into something else rather than making a hard or abrupt transition. (ex. feeling like a boy, then slowly feeling more stargender than boy, then feeling only stargender, etc.)." [94] Genderfluid Coined in 2014 by sleepylehane Syn. genderfade
    Genderdormant "A gender which is inaccessible for stretches of time, then rises to the surface with varying levels of intensity." [95] Genderfluid, genderflux Coined in 2014 by someheckingnerd
    Genderfae "An experience of genderfluidity that never encompasses feeling masculine." [96] Coined in 2014 by anonymous Sim. femmefluid, antigender
    Genderflora "A gender that blooms and evolves based on weather and atmosphere; similar to genderfluid but more plant-like."[97] Coined in 2014 by softsaionji
    Genderfree, gender-free Having no gender identity.[98] Syn. agender
    Genderfuzz, blurgender "having multiple genders that are fuzzy and blurred together, making it impossible to identify each one individually or separate one from the rest."[99] Coined in 2014 by lolzmelmel Genderblur
    Genderglitch "Genderglitch is similar to genderfluidity, however while genderfluidity is normally described as your genders changing smoothly, genderglitch is more sudden and confusing. note: created by a techkin [technology otherkin] with kin [otherkin] in mind, but available to use by nonkin [people who don't identify as otherkin]." [100] Coined in 2014 by queercodedkid Glitchgender
    Gendergoliath "Gender is almost larger than life, like it’s spilling out of your body. It takes up a lot of space and is just awe inspiring."[101] Coined byomegaleveltelepathsdoitbetter
    Genderliminal A gender on the edge of existing and not existing (between gender and agender), or one that dances between the two. Coined on August 16th, 2018 by genderless-gibberish
    Gendermeh "where youre kinda cool w being called any gender, like whatever. you might not be that gender, you might not know your gender, but meh."[102] Coined in 2014 by branacle
    Gender-null Having no gender identity. Syn. agender
    Genderopaque "A gender experience that is neither transparent or translucent."[103] Coined by curiosityismysin
    Genderpotion "a gender that is the result of a mix of many other, different genders."[104] Multigender Coined in 2014 by autisticfluttershy
    Gendersea "Like gendervoid [see below], but related to the ocean. your gender is a vast sea of caverns and depths yet to be discovered. free for all to use but made with otherkin related to the ocean or sea creatures in mind."[105] Coined by anonymous
    Gender shuffler "mixing and matching two or more genders. Can also change the number of genders at one time." [106] Multigender Coined in 2014 by muddiewaters
    Genderspiral "a gender that seems to spiral downward into more genders when you try to figure it out."[107] Coined by anonymous Syn. genderswirl, genderfractal
    1. "A gender characterized by both confusion and apathy with regards to either a fluid or stable gender identity."[108]
    2. Being unable to understand the concept of gender or of having a gender due to neurodivergence.
    1. Coined in 2014 by daedric-cisphobe
    Glitchgender "You may or may not have a gender, but either way it’s glitched and confusing. note: ideal for glitchkin/techkin/etc but nonkin can use it too!" [109] Monogender, genderless, questioning Coined in 2014 by wrinkledough Gendeglitch
    Gyaragender "Having multiple genders but not understanding any of them.

    Gyaragirl/Gyarafeminine - having multiple genders with feminine qualities that you don’t understand.

    Gyaraboy/Gyaramasculine - having multiple genders with masculine qualities that you don’t understand."[110]

    Multigender Coined in 2014 by bigender-why-gender
    Heliogender "Similar to agender; a strong sensation of warmth and genderlessness. [...] an intense and burning sensation of gender (or lack thereof)."[111] From Greek helios, "sun". Agender
    Historiagender Synonym for archaicgender.[112] Coined by stardle and eldrigender Archaicgender
    Horogender "Your feelings of gender changing over time, but your core feelings remaining. For example, you feel masculine, but at different points at different times. Can be used like horomasculine, horofeminine, horoboy, horogirl etc" [113] Genderfluid Coined in 2014 by officialkneesocks
    Hypergender "experiencing a gender with more intensity than is common for your identity, e.g. hyperboy, hypergirl, hyper(gender) etc" [114] Coined by caffeinated-librarian
    Imperigender "A gender that you can sort of control- a fluid gender that you can ‘push’ into a certain gender by 'wanting' it very much or just thinking about that gender a lot." [115] Genderfluid Coined in 2014 by schrodingers-zombie
    Impesgender "A gender that flips quickly and impulsively, often too quickly to be traced" [116] Genderfluid Coined in 2014 by siriusblack
    Imprigender "A fluid gender that is easily and quickly imprinted upon or influenced by its environment. it is often hard to pin down as one particular gender. can sometimes be voluntarily controlled."[117] Genderfluid Coined in 2014 by anonymous
    Jellygender "when your gender rocks back and fourth throughout the day/week/month/whatever. Sometimes youre rly feelin your gender and youre like yeah!! Sometimes youre not feelin your gender and youre like ehhh" [118] Genderfluid, genderflux Coined in 2014 by cisphobicterzei
    Jupitergender "When your gender is so large and present, you’re not quite sure what it is because it’s too big to see clearly but it is definitely there and you know you’re definitely not cis."[119] Monogender, questioning Coined by anonymous
    Kinegender "A gender experience that constantly moves or is in motion, similar to genderfluid or genderflux."[3]. Genderlfuid, genderflux Coined in 2014 by curiosityismysin
    Kronosgender "(after the Greek god of time) where you are a different gender at certain times of the day."[120] Genderfluid Coined in 2014 by anonymous Sim. nocturnalgender, lunagender
    Lamingender "A gender experience composed of layers or slices."[121] Coined by curisotiyismysin
    Leogender "A term for those whose gender is related to strength and regality".[122] Coined by prideful-concerto
    Leukogender From Greek leuko- "bright, shining". "A gender that shines brightly and luminously".[123] Coined by itonokogiris
    Libragender "Gender that is mostly agender, but has a strong connection to a different gender; a scale, where one side is agender and one side is male/female. The agender outweighs the male/female, but male/female is still there" [124] Coined in 2014 by libragender
    Locugender "A gender identity that changes depending where you are or what situation you are in." [125] Coined in 2014 by flynneleh
    Lunagender "A gender that one experiences in a sort of cycle, or in regular phases; a gender that can be best described as dictated by the cycles of the moon. can be modified, like lunagirl or lunaboy."[126] Coined by missjacksoninthemorning
    Marfluid "Genderfluid but mostly/only fluid with masculine genders (based on mars symbol)." [127] Genderfluid Coined in 2014 by a-tiny-peach Syn. butchfluid, mascufluid

    Ant. femmefluid, genderfae, venufluid

    Metagender "To identify around or beyond a gender. Where your gender identity is almost that gender, but not quite, and also extends beyond that. Imagine that —- is you, and | is the gender identity (and identifying fully with a gender is —-|), then metagender is —- | —-"[128] For example, meta-boy, meta-girl, meta-nonbinary, etc. Coined in 2014 by keyblademastercecilpalmer, agenderchrismclean, and lordmoriarty
    Microgender and macrogender "Small and large feelings of gender that are not identifiable within social gender categories."[129] Coined by Baaphomett
    Mirrorgender "A gender that changes to fit the people you're around" [130] Genderfluid Coined in 2014 by branacle Sim. amicagender
    Modogender "a gender identity that is constantly changing; can be understood as somewhat of an intersection of genderfluid and genderflux identities in that the changes may encompass both identity and perceived “strength” of one’s gender (i.e., one moment I might be Very Much a girl, the next i might be somewhat agender, etc.)." [131] From Latin modo...modo, "at one another". Genderfluid, genderflux Coined by princetzimisce
    Monagender Gender fluidity that happens according to a consistent, orderly cycle, like a lunar cycle.[132] Coined by drkiriko/publicmiddleschool.
    Musegender "a gender named with artists/writers/roleplayers/actors etc in mind. a fluid gender influenced by the gender(s) of the characters you are drawing/writing/roleplaying/etc." [133] Genderfluid Coined by anonymous
    Musicagender "When your gender can only be described through a specific musical aesthetic and/or genre."[134] Coined by transmomoi
    Mutogender "a gender that changes depending on situation or people you’re with etc., so like a subset of genderfluid" [135] Gendefluid Coined by thedonutsaurusrex
    (Name)gender "A gender that is best described by one’s name, good for those who aren’t sure what they identify as yet but definitely know that they aren’t cis [cisgender]. it can be used as a catch-all term or a specific identifier, e.g. johngender, janegender, (your name here)gender, etc."[136] Coined by anonymous
    Nan0gender "someone who identifies slightly as one gender and mostly as another; e.g. nan0boy, nan0girl, nan0nonbinary, etc."[137] Coined in 2014 by genderpunkrock and hyaenahart
    Narkissisgender "An egotistical gender, viewing itself in a high position and wanting and/or needing praise. should only be used by those who have narcissistic personality disorder. gender can be replaced with fluid, boy, girl, xirl, boi, nonbinary, enby, nb, etc."[138] Neurogender Coined by furryhell Syn. egoisgender (for anyone, including those without NPD) Only for people with NPD
    Nesciō "a term for neurodivergent people who have difficulty grasping the concept of gender. these individuals can combine nesciōgender with another identity that they think may fit (i.e., nesciōgendervoid)"[139] From Latin nesciō, "I do not know". Neurogender Coined by princetimisce Alt. aegrēgender (from latin aegrē, with difficulty)
    Neurogender "A gender feeling that is strongly linked to one’s status as neurodivergent. note: obviously, only for use by neurodivergent people; can be used as an umbrella term for other neurodivergent-related genders."[140][141] Coined by aflutteringlaney
    Noungender "A gender thats best described by a noun, particularly good for synasthetic people. eg: seagender, a gender best described by the sea. Very flexible and personable."[142] Possible syn. xenogender
    Null gender A person without gender identity, or whose gender identity is neither feminine nor masculine Agender
    Numbergender "A gender relating to those who identify themselves as a number or mathematical equation. can also be a gender that revolves around all numbers in general. theres negative and positive numbergenders, and anything mathematical. Numbergender can, but doesnt have to be, very organized and orderly."[143] Xenogender Coined by numberkincutie
    Nyctogender "Where your gender is pure darkness."[144] Coined by wynter-caelum
    OC-Gender, O-Gender, C-Gender A set of gender identities that are heavily influenced or defined by one’s OCD. The variations describe a feeling that one’s gender is influenced or defined by obsessions only, by compulsions only, or by both obsessions and compulsions. Neurogender Only for people with OCD
    Ogligender You have three to five genders, inclusive. [145] Note that if a person has three genders, they can also call themself trigender Multigender Coined by anonymous.
    Oneirogender "being agender, but having recurring fantasies or dreams of being a certain gender without the actual dysphoria or desire to actually be that gender day-to-day. e.g. oneiroboy, oneirogirl, oneirononbinary, etc"[146] Agender Coined in 204 by anonymous
    Other gender Sometimes a nonbinary gender identity
    Personagender "where you refer to yourself as a girl or a boy for the sake of convenience or because your gender is too confusing but don’t really identify as that; e.g. personagirl or personaboy".[147] Definition coined by anonymous, term coined by twerkingobserver
    Pregender, postgender "Before and after a gender; preboy would be moving to identify as a boy but has yet to fully embrace the term and pregirl would be moving to identify as a girl but has yet to fully embrace the term; postboy would have moved on from identifying as a boy but still has gendered ties to identifying as a boy and postgirl would have moved on from identifying as a girl but still has gendered ties to identifying as a girl." [148] Coined by Baaphomett
    Preterbinary "Beyond the the gender binary/spectrum of male and female."[12] From Latin praeter, "beyond, more than, past". Coined by Baaphomett
    Qirl A gender identity for black transgender nonbinary feminine people.[149]
    Questioning Some take up this as a name for their gender identity, and some see it as a nonbinary gender identity.
    Quoigender Has various definitions including "someone who feels that gender identity and/or existing gender terms don't apply to them" and "someone whose relationship with gender is complicated". From French quoi, "what".
    Salmacian "[A] term for male-to-intersex and female-to-intersex transsexuals."[150] Suggested by Raphael Carter in 1996 or earlier
    Sychnogender(fluid) "Like [argrogender] but regarding frequency. The gender of someone who is sychnogender might change many times throughout the course of a day." [151] From Greek sychnós, "frequent". Coined by gyey Sim. argrogender
    Tachigender(fluid) "Like [argrogender] but regarding rapidity, a gender that changes quickly or that otherwise has to do with high speed." [152] From Greek tachýtita, "speed". Coined by gyey Sim. argrogender
    Transgender[25] An umbrella term for all genders that go beyond society’s ideas of gender, which includes some kinds of binary gender people. Some call their gender identity simply "transgender," as a nonbinary identity itself.Why this is in the list of poorly-attested nonbinary identities: transgender is a common enough identity, held by thousands, but we need evidence that many people use "transgender" as nonbinary identity in and of itself.
    Trauatgender "A gender that varies; it can change a lot, it could be unknown, it could just be there, it could be nonexistent, etc. Whatever it is, it was based from intense trauma."[153] Neurogender Coined by furryhell Only for people who have experienced or are going through what they consider intense trauma.
    Ungender "Not without but a negative; an unboy would be the negative of a boy and an ungirl would be the negative of a girl."[154] Coined in 2014 by Baaphomett
    Venufluid "Genderfluid but mostly/only fluid with feminine genders (based on venus symbol)." [155] Genderfluid Coined by a-tiny-peach. Syn. femmefluid
    Virgender A gender identity that is practically and particularly genderless. This usually happens when it is too stressful or difficult to have a gender. A gender identity that feels weakened by stress, to the point where one is nearly genderless. The prefix comes from the constellation Virgo, the maiden.[156] Coined by stevenuniversequartz
    Wintgender, wintegender, wintergender Similar to blizzgender but it encompasses a second gender. a winteboy might experience both a cold, harsh, and snowy gender, but also being male, also for example.[157] Coined in 2014 by asperdemigirl
    Xenogender "A gender that cannot be contained by human understandings of gender; more concerned with crafting other methods of gender categorization and hierarchy such as those relating to animals, plants, or other creatures/things."[158] An umbrella term for many nonbinary gender identities defined in reference to very different ideas than female or male. Coined in 2014 by Baaphomett Possible syn. noungender
    Xumgender Never being satisfied with your gender due to constant self-doubt or identity issues, causing one to compulsively search and seek out something that fits as perfect as possible–to find “the gender” or “the one truth”–though one will never be found due to one’s neurotype, because words will never be able to describe it, and/or its own properties paradox itself. This frequent anxiety and doubt even causes this gender to feel imperfect to the individual.[159] Neurogender Coined by ademcshades

    See also[edit | edit source]

    References[edit | edit source]

    1. "Abimegender." Mogai-Archive.
    3. Jump up to: 3.0 3.1 3.2 "Misc genders coined by curiosityismysin." Mogai-Archive.
    4. "Misc genders coined by curiosityismysin." Mogai-Archive.
    12. Jump up to: 12.0 12.1
    14. "Terms." Queer Querys (blog).
    15. "Ambonec." Mogai-Archive (blog). (dead link)
    18. Jump up to: 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4
    23. Retrieved 2014.
    24. Aporagender, date unknown, captured April 2016.
    25. Jump up to: 25.0 25.1 NBGQ2016 survey results.
    26. Anonymous asked: "could I ask the etymology of the prefix apora- ?", posted October 2014.
    29. "Archaigender, archaicgender." Mogai-Archive.
    30. "Archaigender, archaicgender." Mogai-Archive.
    31. "Genders coined by furryhell." Mogai-Archive.
    32. "Abimegender." Mogai-Archive.
    33. "Frost, bliz, freeze, wintegender." Mogai-Archive.
    44. Jump up to: 44.0 44.1
    49. "Contigender." Mogai-Archive.
    53. "Genders." Mogai-Archive.
    59. Savage. "Demigender definitions." Demigender safe space.
    61. "Genders coined by furryhell." Mogai-Archive.
    66. "Earthgender." Mogai-Archive.
    68. Jump up to: 68.0 68.1 68.2 "Scary genders." Mogai-Archive.
    72. "Eunuch." Susan's Place Transgender Resource Wiki." [1]
    88. "LGBTQ terms." [2]
    92. [3]
    98. Cottle, "By the end of this post, 'gender' may not look like a real word anymore." [4]
    108. Retrieved 2014.
    132. drkiriko. Untitled post. July (?) 2014. Post archived at
    147. Retrieved 2014.
    149. vmerli.
    150. Raphael Carter, "Angel's Dictionary." 1996-07-14. [5]
    154. "Masterpost of genders coined by Baaphomett." 2014. MOGAI Archive. [6]
    158. "Masterpost of genders coined by Baaphomett." 2014. MOGAI Archive. [7]