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{{Content warning|oppression, rape, reclaimed slurs}}
Anyone with a female [[gender identity]] is female: she is a [[woman]] or girl. Women are a very diverse group, and many assumptions about the definitive characteristics of womanhood are not held in common by all women. Having the ability or desire to give birth is not what makes someone a woman, because many women and girls can't or don't want to do that, due to health conditions, age, or personal choice. Looking like a woman in other people's judgment does not make someone a woman, because others can misjudge that, and there are women who look masculine, and other people who look feminine, whether by choice or by nature. Only identifying as a woman makes someone a woman. Any woman's womanhood is valid no matter what kind of body parts she has, or what gender she was [[assigned gender at birth|assigned at birth]]. Cisgender women, transgender women, and [[intersex]] women are equally women. Because gender isn't the same thing as [[sexual orientation]], women are still women whether they feel sexual attraction to men (heterosexual), or to women ([[lesbian]]), or to people of any gender ([[bisexual]] or [[pansexual]]), or none ([[asexual]]).

In the Western colonialist [[gender binary]] system, "woman" is considered to be one of the only two genders that exist, one of the [[binary gender]]s. For all of written history, cultures all over the world have acknowledged people who were gender-variant or who transitioned to a different gender role than the one assigned to them at birth. Ancient cultures that thought of there being a specific number of genders did not always say there were just two. In ancient Egyptian writings, [[Gender-variant identities worldwide#Sekhet|woman was one of three genders]], and in classical Jewish literature, [[Gender-variant identities worldwide#The six genders in classical Judaism|woman was one of six genders]]. The gender binary is an artificial and relatively new concept to humanity. Gender is not inherently binary. Therefore, "woman" is not inherently a binary gender. Rather, "woman" is one of many genders that people have. Throughout [[history of nonbinary gender|the history of the world]], there have been many people who do not identify with being only female or male, who are therefore [[nonbinary]]. There are also people who identify partly as a woman, and yet do not feel they completely fit into that category, so they call themselves nonbinary women. Although the gender binary system is coercive and limiting, "woman" is a valid identity. Womanhood can be better understood as an identity in its own right, rather than as an opposite pole in a binary system.<ref name="labelle">Sophie Labelle. ''Assigned Male'' (political comic). February 6, 2019. https://assignedmale.tumblr.com/post/182605182667</ref>
== Etymology and terminology ==
The spelling of "woman" in English has progressed over the past millennium from ''wīfmann''<ref>"wīfmann": Bosworth & Toller, ''Anglo-Saxon Dictionary'' (Oxford, 1898–1921) p. 1219. The spelling "wifman" also occurs: C.T. Onions, ''Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology'' (Oxford, 1966) p. 1011</ref> to ''wīmmann'' to ''wumman'', and finally, the modern spelling ''woman''.<ref>''Webster's New World Dictionary, Second College Edition'', entry for "woman".</ref>  In Old English, ''wīfmann'' meant "female human", whereas ''wēr'' meant "male human". ''Mann'' or ''monn'' had a gender-neutral meaning of "human", corresponding to Modern English "person" or "someone"; however, subsequent to the Norman Conquest, ''man'' began to be used more in reference to "male human", and by the late 13th century had begun to eclipse usage of the older term ''wēr''.<ref>[http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=man man] – definition Dictionary.reference.com [https://web.archive.org/web/20230429194843/http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=MAN Archived] on 17 July 2023</ref> The medial labial consonants f and m in ''wīfmann'' coalesced into the modern form "woman", while the initial element ''wīf'', which meant "female", underwent semantic narrowing to the sense of a married woman ("wife").
It is a popular misconception that the term "woman" is etymologically connected to "womb".<ref>{{cite book|last1=Stanton|first1=Elizabeth Cady|title=The Woman's Bible: A Classic Feminist Perspective|date=2002|pages=21–22|publisher=Dover Publications|location=Mineola, New York|isbn=978-0486424910|url=https://books.google.com/?id=hiTpfBGwNR0C&printsec=frontcover&dq=isbn:9780486424910#v=onepage&q=womb-man&f=false|chapter=The Book of Genesis, Chapter II|quote=Next comes the naming of the mother of the race. "She shall be called Woman," in the ancient form of the word Womb-man. She was man and more than man because of her maternity.|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20210308210511/https://books.google.com/?id=hiTpfBGwNR0C&printsec=frontcover&dq=isbn:9780486424910|archive-date=17 July 2023}} (Originally published in two volumes, 1895 and 1898, by The European Publishing Company.)</ref>  "Womb" derives from the Old English word ''wamb'' meaning "belly, bowels, heart, uterus"<ref name=OED>{{cite web|title=womb (n.)|url=https://www.etymonline.com/word/womb|website=Online Etymology Dictionary|accessdate=29 August 2019|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20230525155450/https://www.etymonline.com/word/womb|archive-date=17 July 2023}}</ref> (modern German retains the colloquial term "wamme" from Old High German ''wamba'' for "belly, paunch, lap").<ref name=Starostin>{{cite web|author=S. Starostin|url=http://starling.rinet.ru/cgi-bin/response.cgi?single=1&basename=/data/ie/germet&text_number=%20562|title=Germanic etymology|website=The Tower of Babel|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20230409081415/https://starling.rinet.ru/cgi-bin/response.cgi?single=1&basename=/data/ie/germet&text_number=%20562|archive-date=17 July 2023}}</ref><ref name=Kluge>{{cite book|last1=Kluge|first1=Friedrich|title=An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language|date=1891|page=384 |publisher=George Bell & Sons|location=London|url=https://archive.org/details/etymologicaldict |archiveurl=https://archive.org/details/etymologicaldict00kluguoft/page/384|archivedate=November 1, 2007|quote=Translated by John Francis Davis, D.Litl, M.A.|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20210308090115/https://archive.org/details/etymologicaldict|archive-date=17 July 2023}}</ref>
The word ''girl'' originally meant "young person of either sex" in English;<ref>Used in Middle English from c. 1300, meaning 'a child of either sex, a young person'.  Its derivation is uncertain, perhaps from an Old English word which has not survived: another theory is that it developed from Old English 'gyrela', meaning 'dress, apparel': or was a diminutive form of a borrowing from another West Germanic Language. (Middle Low German has Gör, Göre, meaning 'girl or small child'.)  "girl, n.". OED Online. September 2013. Oxford University Press. 13 September 2013</ref> it was only around the beginning of the 16th century that it came to mean specifically a ''female'' child.<ref>By late 14th century a distinction was arising between female children, often called  'gay girls' – and male, or 'knave girls' -: a1375  William of Palerne  (1867) l. 816  ' Whan þe gaye gerles were in-to þe gardin come, Faire floures þei founde.' ('When the gay girls came into the garden, Fair flowers they found.') By the 16th century, the unsupported word had begun to mean specifically a female:  1546  J. Heywood Dialogue Prouerbes Eng. Tongue i. x. sig. D,  'The boy thy husbande, and thou the gyrle his wyfe.'  The usage meaning 'child of either sex' survived much longer in Irish English. "girl, n.". OED Online. September 2013. Oxford University Press. 13 September 2013</ref> The term ''girl'' is sometimes  used colloquially to refer to a young or unmarried woman; however, during the early 1970s, feminists challenged such use because the use of the word to refer to a fully grown woman may cause offence. In particular, previously common terms such as ''office girl'' are no longer widely used. Conversely, in certain cultures which link family honor with female virginity, the word ''girl'' (or its equivalent in other languages) is still used to refer to a never-married woman; in this sense it is used in a fashion roughly analogous to the more-or-less obsolete English ''maid'' or ''maiden''.
There are various words used to refer to the quality of being a woman. The term "womanhood" merely means the state of being a woman. "[[Femininity]]" is used to refer to a set of typical female qualities associated with a certain attitude to [[gender role]]s; "womanliness" is like "femininity", but is usually associated with a different view of gender roles.  "Distaff" is an archaic adjective derived from women's conventional role as a spinner, now used only as a deliberate archaism.
== Symbol ==
[[File:Venus symbol.svg|thumb|200px|The Venus symbol or female [[gender symbols|gender symbol]].]]
The glyph (♀) for the planet and Roman goddess Venus, or Aphrodite in Greek, is the symbol used in biology, geneaology, and some [[Public restrooms|restroom signs]] for female.<ref>{{cite book|editor1-last=Fadu|editor1-first=Jose A.|title=Encyclopedia of Theory & Practice in Psychotherapy & Counseling|date=2014|publisher=LuLu Press|page=337|isbn=978-1312078369}}</ref><ref name=Stearn1962>{{cite journal|author=Stearn, William T.|title=The Origin of the Male and Female Symbols of Biology|url=https://iapt-taxon.org/historic/Congress/IBC_1964/male_fem.pdf|journal=[[Taxon (journal)|Taxon]]|date=May 1962|volume=11|issue=4|pages=109–113|doi=10.2307/1217734|issn=0040-0262|accessdate=19 July 2019|jstor=1217734|author-link=William T. Stearn|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20230527105139/https://iapt-taxon.org/historic/Congress/IBC_1964/male_fem.pdf|archive-date=17 July 2023}}</ref><ref name=Schott2005>{{cite journal|last1=Schott|first1=GD|title=Sex symbols ancient and modern: their origins and iconography on the pedigree|url=https://www.bmj.com/content/bmj/331/7531/1509.full.pdf|journal=[[The BMJ]]|date=December 2005|volume=331|issue=7531|pages=1509–10|doi=10.1136/bmj.331.7531.1509|pmid=16373733|pmc=1322246|issn=0959-8138|accessdate=19 July 2019|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20230619113602/https://www.bmj.com/content/bmj/331/7531/1509.full.pdf|archive-date=17 July 2023}}</ref> In ancient alchemy, the Venus symbol stood for copper, and was associated with femininity.<ref name=Schott2005 />
This comes from a set of symbols that were first used to denote the effective sex of plants (i.e. sex of individual in a given crossbreed, since most plants are hermaphroditic) by naturalist Carl Linnaeus in 1751.<ref name= Stearn>{{cite journal|last=Stearn|first=William T.|s2cid=87030547|title=The Origin of the Male and Female Symbols of Biology|journal=Taxon|date=May 1962 |volume=11 |issue=4 |pages=109–113 |jstor=1217734 |doi=10.2307/1217734 |quote= The origin of these symbols has long been of interest to scholars. Probably none now accepts the interpretation of Scaliger that {{char|♂}} represents the shield and spear of Mars and {{char|♀}} Venus's looking glass.}}</ref> The male and female symbols are still used in scientific publications to indicate the sex of an individual, for example of a patient.<ref>{{cite journal |last=Zhigang |first=Zhigang |date=25 September 2009 |title=A HIV-1 heterosexual transmission chain in Guangzhou, China: a molecular epidemiological study |journal=Virology Journal |publisher=BioMed Central |volume=6 |issue=148 |pages=Figure 1 |doi=10.1186/1743-422X-6-148 |pmid=19778458 |pmc=2761389 |quote=(Mars male gender symbol) indicates male; (female Venus gender symbol) indicates female|display-authors=etal}}</ref> Joseph Justus Scaliger speculated that the male symbol is associated with the Mars, god of war because it resembles a shield and spear; and that the female symbol is associated with Venus, goddess of beauty because it resembles a bronze mirror with a handle.<ref>{{Citation|last=Taylor|first=Robert B.|chapter=Now and Future Tales|date=2016 |pages=293–310 |publisher=Springer International Publishing |isbn=978-3-319-29053-9 |doi=10.1007/978-3-319-29055-3_12 |title=White Coat Tales}}</ref> Later scholars dismiss this as fanciful,<ref name=Stearn />The visual equivalent of a backronym, preferring "the conclusion of the French classical scholar Claude de Saumaise (Salmasius, 1588-1683) that these symbols [...] are derived from contractions in Greek script of the Greek names of the planets".<ref name=Stearn />''Thouros'' (Mars) was abbreviated as θρ, and ''Phosphoros'' (Venus) by Φ, in handwriting.<ref>H W Renkema, ''Oorsprong, beteekenis en toepassing van de in de botanie gebuikelijke teekens ter aanduiding van het geslacht en den levensduur'', in: Jeswiet J, ed., ''Gedenkboek J Valckenier Suringar. Wageningen: Nederlandsche Dendrologische Vereeniging'', 1942: 96-108.</ref><ref name=Stearn />
== Cisgender women ==
Cisgender women are women who were assigned female at birth (or were born with certain [[intersex]] conditions), and who have a female gender identity. [[Cisgender]] (from Latin ''cis'' "same side of" + "gender", this word was "coined in 1995 by a transsexual man named Carl Buijs"<ref>Julia Serano, "Whipping Girl FAQ on cissexual, cisgender, and cis privilege." 2009-05-14. [http://juliaserano.blogspot.com/2011/08/whipping-girl-faq-on-cissexual.html] [https://web.archive.org/web/20230226032644/http://juliaserano.blogspot.com/2011/08/whipping-girl-faq-on-cissexual.html Archived] on 17 July 2023</ref>) means "not transgender," as they don't [[transition]] to female from some other gender.
A few of the physical characteristics of a cisgender woman often include:
* A uterus, ovaries, and vagina, unless if she was born without one or another of them (agenesis), or had them taken out (hysterectomy, oophorectomy, or vaginectomy, respectively) to treat or prevent disease
* The ability to give birth, unless if sterile, or without some of the anatomy listed above, or past childbearing years
* Breasts (a secondary sexual characteristic), unless if they never developed, or they had them removed (mastectomy) to treat or prevent breast cancer
* Has a hormone balance with estrogen higher than testosterone, and the presence of progesterone
* Chromosomes that are XX (textbook example), XY (androgen insensitivity syndrome), XXX (triple X syndrome), XXXX, X (Turner syndrome), or others. People rarely take a test to find out what these are, unless they think it might explain another physical challenge.
It is possible for a cisgender woman to have a body with few of the above physical characteristics that are usually used to describe a typical cisgender female body. For example, cisgender women who have had hysterectomies and mastectomies to survive cancer are nonetheless real women, as much as they ever were. Furthermore, having the above characteristics does not make someone a cisgender woman. For example, some people who were assigned female at birth but identify as a different gender have these characteristics. Some people with intersex conditions have these physical characteristics, but don't consider themselves cisgender women. Some do.
The ability to give birth creates a physical vulnerability that is exploited by [[patriarchy]]. Patriarchy began as a system based around the control of the part of the population who generally can give birth, by the part that generally can't. Women and people who can give birth are not completely synonymous groups. (There are infertile women, fertile trans men, and so on.) Still, these two groups have the most overlap. Patriarchy means that, as a group, men control women. They exert this control in every part of society, through the systems that are built into that society. Some of the many forms of how patriarchy controls, oppresses, and abuses women include:
* Violence. Patriarchy tells women that they need a man close to them at all times, if for no other reason than to protect them from violence from other men. However, domestic violence is a very common cause of women's deaths.
* The idea of rape as normal (rape culture). Rape culture includes the idea that women are the ones who should take responsibility for preventing themselves from being raped (victim blaming), and defending rapists as not responsible for their actions, without educating men to not rape. Rape is specifically a significant part of the oppression of cisgender women due to the risk of unwanted pregnancy. Much of patriarchy is based around this.
* The idea of women as being less human (dehumanization). Dehumanization of women means that society assumes that women's minds are more like animals' minds (sometimes said in ways that seem positive, like "intuitive" or "closer to nature"), and are thought to be less able to do what men's can do, and therefore won't let women have educations, work most kinds of jobs, or drive. Without these things, it's difficult for women to free themselves from oppression.
* Ownership of women. Patriarchy often makes cisgender women have the legal status not of people, but of possessions (chattel) owned by men (their husbands or fathers). As chattel, women have no say in what happens to their bodies, can legally own no possessions, and can't vote.
All of these things oppress women. The system of patriarchy maintains itself by making it difficult for women to get the power to challenge or escape the oppression.
[[Feminism]] is [[activism]] against patriarchy, and it begins with activism to give women the legal status of people. The outward signs of that legal status are the right to choose what happens to their own bodies (legal access to birth control), the right to own property, the right to vote (suffrage), and the right to work. These can only be done by those who are legally recognized as persons. Feminism is a movement that can make equal rights for people of all genders by liberating them all from patriarchy, but feminism has its main focus on fulfilling the needs of cisgender women, because patriarchy has its main focus on oppressing them.
== Transgender women ==
Transgender women are women who were assigned male at birth (or had certain intersex conditions), and who have a female gender identity. Like any women, they usually use [[Pronouns#She|"she" pronouns]], and their sexual orientation can be lesbian, heterosexual, or otherwise. This is the male-to-female transgender spectrum. Older psychological and medical writings wrongly call trans women "male transsexuals" or "male transvestites", and call them by unwanted "he" pronouns. Trans women are women, not feminine men or [[sexual orientation|gay]] men.
Many transgender women [[transition]] to address [[gender dysphoria]], and some also consider themselves to be transsexual women. Any transgender person's transition path is very individual. Common features in a transgender woman's transition path include [[hormone therapy]] to create a balance with estrogen higher than testosterone, and a wide variety of kinds of [[surgery]] to choose from.
Patriarchy oppresses and devalues all forms of womanhood and femininity, not only of cisgender women, but also of trans women, called [[transmisogyny]]. Julia Serano coined this word for her trans-feminist book, ''Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and the Scapegoating of Femininity'' (2007). Patriarchy sees trans women as a threat that could undermine its power and rigidity. One feature of a trans-misogynistic culture is that by far, the most kinds of hate speech and slurs used against trans people are those used specifically against trans women. Violence against and murder of trans people also, by far, most commonly targets trans women, especially trans women of colour. The [[Transgender Day of Remembrance]] gives a memorial to the many trans people who are murdered each year around the world. These are nearly all trans women of colour.
In the transgender community, "[[gatekeeper]]" is slang for the system of health providers that decide whether to allow a transgender person to get gender-validating health care.<ref>{{cite web|title=Trans, Genderqueer, and Queer Terms Glossary |archive-date= 10 February 2017 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20170210021940/https://lgbt.wisc.edu/documents/Trans_and_queer_glossary.pdf| url= http://lgbt.wisc.edu/documents/Trans_and_queer_glossary.pdf}}</ref> Medical gatekeepers, as well as the serious risks of living in trans-misogynistic culture, both put pressure on trans women to conform to society's behavioral and physical ideals for feminine cisgender women. One form of this pressure is that gatekeepers told trans women not to interact with other trans women outside of gender centers, saying that this would invalidate their womanhood. Keeping trans women isolated from one another in this way made it so that trans women couldn't organize among themselves to do activism for their own rights.<ref name="MiseryPimps">{{Cite web |title=The Misery Pimps: The People Who Impede Trans Liberation |author=fakecisgirl |work=fake cis girl |date=7 October 2013 |access-date=31 May 2021 |url= https://fakecisgirl.wordpress.com/2013/10/07/the-misery-pimps-the-people-who-impede-trans-liberation/ |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20221213084017/https://fakecisgirl.wordpress.com/2013/10/07/the-misery-pimps-the-people-who-impede-trans-liberation/ |archive-date=17 July 2023 }}</ref>
Some cultures that recognize(d) male-to-female spectrum gender roles include the Ethiopian Maale people ([[gender-variant identities worldwide#ashtime|Ashtime]]), the Madagascaran Sakalava ([[gender-variant identities worldwide#sekrata|Sekrata]]), the Lakota ([[gender-variant identities worldwide##winkte|Winkte]]), the Navajo ([[gender-variant identities worldwide#Nadleehi and Dilbaa|Nadleehi]]), the Zapotec ([[gender-variant identities worldwide#Muxe|Muxe]]), many south Asian countries ([[Hijra]]), Oman ([[gender-variant identities worldwide#Xanith|Xanith]]), Nepal ([[gender-variant identities worldwide#Metis|Metis]]), Turkey ([[gender-variant identities worldwide#Köçek|Köçek]]), Italy ([[gender-variant identities worldwide#Femminello|Femminello]]) Myanmar ([[gender-variant identities worldwide#Acault|Acault]]), Samoa ([[Fa'afafine]]), Maori ([[gender-variant identities worldwide#Whakawahine and Wakatane|Whakawahine]]), much of ancient Europe ([[gender-variant identities worldwide#Gallae|Gallae]]), and [[gender-variant identities worldwide|many others]]. Historically, these male-to-female spectrum roles have been made of some people who were analogous to modern, Western ideas of trans women, as well as some people who are not so analogous to that, such as feminine gay men, or nonbinary people who were AMAB.
== Nonbinary women ==
Some people identify as nonbinary and as a binary gender such as woman. They may see themselves as almost but not quite fitting into the category of womanhood, feel an association with being a woman or femininity, or not mind being seen as women. Depending on how the individual defines their identity, they may consider themself to be nonbinary women if they also consider themself to be partly female ([[demigirl]]), [[femme]], a gender nonconforming queer masculine woman ([[butch]]), someone who only wants to be in the active role of sex without being touched (stone), androgynous, having a gender identity that often changes ([[genderfluid]]), having more than one gender ([[bigender]]), having a form of womanhood that is itself queer ([[genderqueer]]), or other kinds of identities.
In the 2019 Gender Census, 1,416 of the respondents (12.6%) identified as a woman or girl, even as many of them also identified as nonbinary.<ref name="2019 Gender Census">"Gender Census 2019 - the worldwide TL;DR." ''Gender Census.'' March 31, 2019. Retrieved July 5, 2020. https://gendercensus.com/post/183843963445/gender-census-2019-the-worldwide-tldr Archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20200118084451/https://gendercensus.com/post/183843963445/gender-census-2019-the-worldwide-tldr</ref>
=== Notable nonbinary women ===
[[File:Rebecca Sugar Peabody Awards.jpg|thumb|[[Rebecca Sugar]], a writer and animation artist who is a nonbinary woman, at the Peabody Awards in 2019.]]
[[File:Shakina_Nayfack.jpg|thumb|200px|[[Shakina Nayfack]], a [[gender nonconforming]] nonbinary trans woman.]]
Some notable people who identify as nonbinary who also use female, girl, or woman in the description of their gender identity include:
* Musician and performance artist [[Arca]] ([[she/her]] and [[it/its]],<ref name="Fallon">{{Cite web |title=Arca Is the Artist of the Decade |last=Fallon |first=Patric |work=Vice |date=8 November 2019 |access-date=30 June 2020 |url= https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/evj9k4/arca-is-the-artist-of-the-decade|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20230329092248/http://www.vice.com/en_us/article/evj9k4/arca-is-the-artist-of-the-decade |archive-date=17 July 2023 }}</ref> b. 1989) - nonbinary trans woman<ref name="Moen">{{Cite web |title=Arca: Embracing the Flux |last=Moen |first=Matt |work=PAPER |date=7 April 2020 |access-date=30 June 2020 |url= https://www.papermag.com/arca-transformation-2645630264.html|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20230216160852/https://www.papermag.com/arca-transformation-2645630264.html |archive-date=17 July 2023 }}</ref>
* Romance author [[Chelsea M. Cameron]] ([[she/her]] and [[they/them]]<ref>https://twitter.com/chel_c_cam [https://web.archive.org/web/20230522012959/https://twitter.com/chel_c_cam Archived] on 17 July 2023</ref><ref>https://www.instagram.com/chelccam/ [https://web.archive.org/web/20230329205043/https://www.instagram.com/chelccam/ Archived] on 17 July 2023</ref>) - demigirl<ref>{{cite tweet|author=Chelsea M. Cameron|user=chel_c_cam|number=862141410627256320|title=I've been: bisexual, gay, queer, queer/bisexual. I'm also still not super sure about my gender, but for now demigirl is how I identify.|date=May 9, 2017}}</ref>
* Playwright and rap artist [[Despoina]] ([[they/them]] or [[she/her]]<ref name="whrb">{{Cite web |title=TBT on Fighting Cyberbullies and Taking Back Black Music |author= |work=WHRB 95.3FM |date=June 11, 2021 |access-date=August 4, 2021 |url= https://www.whrb.org/archive/tbt|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20221204141545/https://www.whrb.org/archive/tbt |archive-date=17 July 2023 }}</ref>) - nonbinary trans woman<ref name="Gorelick">{{Cite web |title=WTBU Organizes Virtual Benefit Concert for Massachusetts Bail Fund |last=Gorelick |first=Rusty |work=Boston University |date=August 7, 2020 |access-date=August 4, 2021 |url=https://www-test.bu.edu/articles/2020/wtbu-organizes-virtual-benefit-concert-for-massachusetts-bail-fund/ |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20230721142812/https://www-test.bu.edu/articles/2020/wtbu-organizes-virtual-benefit-concert-for-massachusetts-bail-fund/ |archive-date=July 21, 2023 |url-status=bot: unknown }}</ref>
* American comedian, writer, and nurse [[Kelli Dunham]] describes herself<ref name="story">{{Cite web |title=THE STORY |author= |work=kellidunham.com |date= |access-date=24 July 2020 |url= http://www.kellidunham.com/the-story/|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20230314231523/https://www.kellidunham.com/the-story/|archive-date=17 July 2023}}</ref> as a [[genderqueer]] woman<ref name="Wood">{{Cite web |title=Q&A: Comedian Kelli Dunham on Storytelling as a Radical, Transformative Act |last=Wood |first=Erin |work=Ms. Magazine |date=15 May 2017 |access-date=3 June 2020 |url= https://msmagazine.com/2017/05/15/qa-comedian-kelli-dunham-storytelling-radicaltransformative-act/|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20230612184627/https://msmagazine.com/2017/05/15/qa-comedian-kelli-dunham-storytelling-radicaltransformative-act/ |archive-date=17 July 2023 }}</ref>/[[nonbinary]] [[transmasc]] [[butch]].<ref name="Guerrero">{{Cite web |title=Genderqueer Comic Kelli Dunham On Getting (Thee) Away From a Nunnery |last=Guerrero |first=Desirée |work=The Advocate |date=21 April 2020 |access-date=3 June 2020 |url= https://www.advocate.com/comedy/2020/4/21/genderqueer-comic-kelli-dunham-getting-thee-away-nunnery|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20230103074504/https://www.advocate.com/comedy/2020/4/21/genderqueer-comic-kelli-dunham-getting-thee-away-nunnery |archive-date=17 July 2023 }}</ref>
* Visual artist and musician [[Florian-Ayala Fauna]] ([[she/her]]<ref name="Fauna_About">{{Cite web |title=About |author=Florian-Ayala Fauna |work=florian-93.com |date= |access-date=14 November 2020 |url= https://www.florian-93.com/about|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20230322090336/https://www.florian-93.com/about |archive-date=17 July 2023 }}</ref>) - [[androgyne]], partially woman<ref name="Faunatweet">{{cite tweet|user=bloodfawn93|number=963276096430108672|last=Fauna|first=Florian-Ayala|title=Hey I'm Florian - I'm a visual artist, musician, writer, and occult practitioner of a Thelemic/Crowley based nature. #VisibleWomen (woman part is partially true tho, more androgyne and proud to be intersex :3 ) http://florian-93.com https://uncertain.bandcamp.com|date=February 12, 2018}}</ref>
* Singer-songwriter and comedian [[Left at London]] ([[she/her]],<ref>{{cite tweet|user=LeftAtLondon|number=1160275504760360960|date=August 10, 2019|title=IM NON-BINARY. BUT STILL REFER TO ME AS SHE/HER. (UNLESS U REFER TO EVERYBODY AS THEY/THEM. THEN IM FINE WITH THEY THEM PRONOUNS.) LOVE YOU GUYS}}</ref> b. 1996) - nonbinary trans woman<ref>{{cite tweet|user=LeftAtLondon|number=1160277010813349888|date=August 10, 2019|title=Nonbinary trans woman to be specific}}</ref>
* Actor and activist [[Shakina Nayfack]] ([[she/her]], b. 1980) - nonbinary and [[gender non-conforming]] trans woman<ref>{{cite web |url=https://www.instagram.com/p/CPVsM3qjzFr/ |title= Instagram post from @shakeenz|date=May 26, 2021|quote= I'm not "coming out" as non-binary, I'm choosing now to claim non-binary as part of my identity because, as a gender non-conforming trans woman, I feel responsible to include myself in the discourse which—unintentionally or not—has a tendency to assign meaning to my identity without my consent otherwise. |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20230515054203/https://www.instagram.com/p/CPVsM3qjzFr/|archive-date=17 July 2023}}</ref>
* Cosmologist and science writer [[Chanda Prescod-Weinstein]] ([[she/her]],<ref>[http://www.cprescodweinstein.com/ Website bio], retrieved May 17, 2020 [https://web.archive.org/web/20230308102557/http://www.cprescodweinstein.com/ Archived] on 17 July 2023</ref> b. 1982) - [[agender]] woman<ref>[https://twitter.com/IBJIYONGI/ Twitter bio], retrieved May 17, 2020 [https://web.archive.org/web/20230716190349/https://twitter.com/IBJIYONGI Archived] on 17 July 2023</ref>
* Musician [[King Princess]] ([[she/her]],<ref name="Menuez">{{Cite web |title=King Princess |last=Menuez |first=Bobbi |work=theingenuemagazine.com |date= |access-date=6 May 2020 |url= https://theingenuemagazine.com/king-princess/|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20200911191450/https://theingenuemagazine.com/king-princess/ |archive-date=17 July 2023 }}</ref> b. 1998) - [[genderqueer]] person and [[gay]] woman<ref name="Menuez"/>
* Model, actor, and TV presenter [[Ruby Rose]] ([[she/her]],<ref name="Kellaway">{{Cite web |title=WATCH: Australian Model Ruby Rose Comes Out as Gender Fluid |last=Kellaway |first=Mitch |work=The Advocate |date=31 July 2014 |access-date=27 May 2020 |url= https://www.advocate.com/politics/transgender/2014/07/31/watch-australian-model-ruby-rose-comes-out-gender-fluid|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20230529090300/https://www.advocate.com/politics/transgender/2014/07/31/watch-australian-model-ruby-rose-comes-out-gender-fluid |archive-date=17 July 2023 }}</ref> b. 1986) - [[genderfluid]] woman<ref name="Gomez">{{Cite web |title=Gender-fluid Ruby Rose opens up about the backlash she's received for identifying as a lesbian |trans-title= |last=Gomez |first=Patrick |work=Entertainment Weekly |date=5 June 2019 |access-date=27 May 2020 |url= https://ew.com/celebrity/paul-lynde-life-legacy/ |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20230308224934/https://ew.com/celebrity/paul-lynde-life-legacy/ |archive-date=17 July 2023 }}</ref>
* Science fiction author [[Rivers Solomon]] ([[they/them]]) - nonbinary/agender woman<ref>https://www.riverssolomon.com/hireme [https://web.archive.org/web/20211207101508/https://www.riverssolomon.com/hireme Archived] on 17 July 2023</ref>
* Activist and actor [[Ianne Fields Stewart]] ([[she/her]], [[they/them]]) - [[transfeminine]] nonbinary woman<ref name="SwiftMar2020">{{Cite web |title=Meet Ianne Fields Stewart: The Activist and Actress Who Is Combatting Food Insecurity In The Black Transgender Community |author=Swift, Jaimee A. |work=Black Women Radicals |date=March 2, 2020 |access-date=November 3, 2020 |url= https://www.blackwomenradicals.com/blog-feed/meet-ianne-fields-stewart-the-activist-and-actress-who-is-combating-food-insecurity-in-the-black-transgender-community|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20221128162056/https://www.blackwomenradicals.com/blog-feed/meet-ianne-fields-stewart-the-activist-and-actress-who-is-combating-food-insecurity-in-the-black-transgender-community |archive-date=17 July 2023 }}</ref><ref name="MastersAug2020">{{Cite web |title=This Activist Ensures Black Trans People Don't Go Hungry |last=Masters |first=Jeffrey |work=The Advocate |date=August 4, 2020 |access-date=November 3, 2020 |url= https://www.advocate.com/transgender/2020/7/31/ianne-fields-stewart-okra-project-trans |quote=I am a Black, queer, nonbinary, lesbian woman. |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20230529144011/https://www.advocate.com/transgender/2020/7/31/ianne-fields-stewart-okra-project-trans |archive-date=17 July 2023 }}</ref>
* Writer and animation artist [[Rebecca Sugar]] ([[English neutral pronouns#She|she/her]] or [[singular they|they/them]],<ref>https://twitter.com/rebeccasugar?lang=en [https://web.archive.org/web/20230505073105/https://twitter.com/rebeccasugar?lang=en Archived] on 17 July 2023</ref> b. 1987) - nonbinary woman<ref name="fink">{{Cite web |title=The Mind Behind America’s Most Empathetic Cartoon |last1=Fink |first1=Kathryn |first2=Paige |last2=Osburn |work=1A |date=9 July 2018 |access-date=15 April 2020 |url= https://the1a.org/segments/2018-07-09-the-mind-behind-americas-most-empathetic-cartoon/ |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20221022123837/https://the1a.org/segments/2018-07-09-the-mind-behind-americas-most-empathetic-cartoon/ |archive-date=17 July 2023 }}</ref><ref name="PulliamMoore">{{Cite web |title=Steven Universe's Rebecca Sugar on How She Expresses Her Identity Through the Non-binary Crystal Gems |last=Pulliam-Moore |first=Charles |work=io9 |date=16 July 2018 |access-date=15 April 2020 |url= https://io9.gizmodo.com/steven-universes-rebecca-sugar-on-how-she-expresses-her-1827624015?IR=T |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20230601170515/https://io9.gizmodo.com/steven-universes-rebecca-sugar-on-how-she-expresses-her-1827624015?IR=T |archive-date=17 July 2023 }}</ref>
* Actor and drag performer [[Kate Rose Wilburn]] ([[they/them]]<ref>[https://www.instagram.com/katerosewilburn/ Instagram bio], retrieved 18 June 2020</ref>) - nonbinary transgender woman<ref>[https://www.instagram.com/p/CBFCyEIgPFJ/ Instagram post], 5 June 2020</ref>
* Musician and TV writer [[Our Lady J]] ([[she/her]]<ref name="INTO">{{Cite web |title=Our Lady J on Gender, Discrimination, & Hollywood Starting to "Get It Right" |author= |work=INTO |date=20 September 2017 |access-date=5 September 2020 |url= https://www.intomore.com/culture/our-lady-j-on-gender-discrimination-hollywood-starting-to-get-it-right/d82839748e024a3c|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20230318081251/https://intomore.com/culture/our-lady-j-on-gender-discrimination-hollywood-starting-to-get-it-right/d82839748e024a3c |archive-date=17 July 2023 }}</ref>, b. 1978) - [[GNC]] [[genderfluid]] [[trans woman]]<ref name="INTO" />/ woman-aligned nonbinary person<ref>{{cite web|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20200309001552if_/https://twitter.com/ourladyj/status/1236807149642297345|url=https://twitter.com/ourladyj/status/1236807149642297345|title=Twitter thread by @ourladyj|date=March 8, 2020|archive-date=March 8, 2020}}</ref>
==See also==
*[[Gender binary]]
*[[Binary gender]]
*[[List of nonbinary identities]]
*[[Glossary of English gender and sex terminology]]

Latest revision as of 05:20, 30 May 2024

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This article mentions oppression, rape, reclaimed slurs. If you are not comfortable with reading about this kind of topic, we suggest you take a step back.

Anyone with a female gender identity is female: she is a woman or girl. Women are a very diverse group, and many assumptions about the definitive characteristics of womanhood are not held in common by all women. Having the ability or desire to give birth is not what makes someone a woman, because many women and girls can't or don't want to do that, due to health conditions, age, or personal choice. Looking like a woman in other people's judgment does not make someone a woman, because others can misjudge that, and there are women who look masculine, and other people who look feminine, whether by choice or by nature. Only identifying as a woman makes someone a woman. Any woman's womanhood is valid no matter what kind of body parts she has, or what gender she was assigned at birth. Cisgender women, transgender women, and intersex women are equally women. Because gender isn't the same thing as sexual orientation, women are still women whether they feel sexual attraction to men (heterosexual), or to women (lesbian), or to people of any gender (bisexual or pansexual), or none (asexual).

In the Western colonialist gender binary system, "woman" is considered to be one of the only two genders that exist, one of the binary genders. For all of written history, cultures all over the world have acknowledged people who were gender-variant or who transitioned to a different gender role than the one assigned to them at birth. Ancient cultures that thought of there being a specific number of genders did not always say there were just two. In ancient Egyptian writings, woman was one of three genders, and in classical Jewish literature, woman was one of six genders. The gender binary is an artificial and relatively new concept to humanity. Gender is not inherently binary. Therefore, "woman" is not inherently a binary gender. Rather, "woman" is one of many genders that people have. Throughout the history of the world, there have been many people who do not identify with being only female or male, who are therefore nonbinary. There are also people who identify partly as a woman, and yet do not feel they completely fit into that category, so they call themselves nonbinary women. Although the gender binary system is coercive and limiting, "woman" is a valid identity. Womanhood can be better understood as an identity in its own right, rather than as an opposite pole in a binary system.[1]

Etymology and terminologyEdit

The spelling of "woman" in English has progressed over the past millennium from wīfmann[2] to wīmmann to wumman, and finally, the modern spelling woman.[3] In Old English, wīfmann meant "female human", whereas wēr meant "male human". Mann or monn had a gender-neutral meaning of "human", corresponding to Modern English "person" or "someone"; however, subsequent to the Norman Conquest, man began to be used more in reference to "male human", and by the late 13th century had begun to eclipse usage of the older term wēr.[4] The medial labial consonants f and m in wīfmann coalesced into the modern form "woman", while the initial element wīf, which meant "female", underwent semantic narrowing to the sense of a married woman ("wife").

It is a popular misconception that the term "woman" is etymologically connected to "womb".[5] "Womb" derives from the Old English word wamb meaning "belly, bowels, heart, uterus"[6] (modern German retains the colloquial term "wamme" from Old High German wamba for "belly, paunch, lap").[7][8]

The word girl originally meant "young person of either sex" in English;[9] it was only around the beginning of the 16th century that it came to mean specifically a female child.[10] The term girl is sometimes used colloquially to refer to a young or unmarried woman; however, during the early 1970s, feminists challenged such use because the use of the word to refer to a fully grown woman may cause offence. In particular, previously common terms such as office girl are no longer widely used. Conversely, in certain cultures which link family honor with female virginity, the word girl (or its equivalent in other languages) is still used to refer to a never-married woman; in this sense it is used in a fashion roughly analogous to the more-or-less obsolete English maid or maiden.

There are various words used to refer to the quality of being a woman. The term "womanhood" merely means the state of being a woman. "Femininity" is used to refer to a set of typical female qualities associated with a certain attitude to gender roles; "womanliness" is like "femininity", but is usually associated with a different view of gender roles. "Distaff" is an archaic adjective derived from women's conventional role as a spinner, now used only as a deliberate archaism.


The Venus symbol or female gender symbol.

The glyph (♀) for the planet and Roman goddess Venus, or Aphrodite in Greek, is the symbol used in biology, geneaology, and some restroom signs for female.[11][12][13] In ancient alchemy, the Venus symbol stood for copper, and was associated with femininity.[13]

This comes from a set of symbols that were first used to denote the effective sex of plants (i.e. sex of individual in a given crossbreed, since most plants are hermaphroditic) by naturalist Carl Linnaeus in 1751.[14] The male and female symbols are still used in scientific publications to indicate the sex of an individual, for example of a patient.[15] Joseph Justus Scaliger speculated that the male symbol is associated with the Mars, god of war because it resembles a shield and spear; and that the female symbol is associated with Venus, goddess of beauty because it resembles a bronze mirror with a handle.[16] Later scholars dismiss this as fanciful,[14]The visual equivalent of a backronym, preferring "the conclusion of the French classical scholar Claude de Saumaise (Salmasius, 1588-1683) that these symbols [...] are derived from contractions in Greek script of the Greek names of the planets".[14]Thouros (Mars) was abbreviated as θρ, and Phosphoros (Venus) by Φ, in handwriting.[17][14]

Cisgender womenEdit

Cisgender women are women who were assigned female at birth (or were born with certain intersex conditions), and who have a female gender identity. Cisgender (from Latin cis "same side of" + "gender", this word was "coined in 1995 by a transsexual man named Carl Buijs"[18]) means "not transgender," as they don't transition to female from some other gender.

A few of the physical characteristics of a cisgender woman often include:

  • A uterus, ovaries, and vagina, unless if she was born without one or another of them (agenesis), or had them taken out (hysterectomy, oophorectomy, or vaginectomy, respectively) to treat or prevent disease
  • The ability to give birth, unless if sterile, or without some of the anatomy listed above, or past childbearing years
  • Breasts (a secondary sexual characteristic), unless if they never developed, or they had them removed (mastectomy) to treat or prevent breast cancer
  • Has a hormone balance with estrogen higher than testosterone, and the presence of progesterone
  • Chromosomes that are XX (textbook example), XY (androgen insensitivity syndrome), XXX (triple X syndrome), XXXX, X (Turner syndrome), or others. People rarely take a test to find out what these are, unless they think it might explain another physical challenge.

It is possible for a cisgender woman to have a body with few of the above physical characteristics that are usually used to describe a typical cisgender female body. For example, cisgender women who have had hysterectomies and mastectomies to survive cancer are nonetheless real women, as much as they ever were. Furthermore, having the above characteristics does not make someone a cisgender woman. For example, some people who were assigned female at birth but identify as a different gender have these characteristics. Some people with intersex conditions have these physical characteristics, but don't consider themselves cisgender women. Some do.

The ability to give birth creates a physical vulnerability that is exploited by patriarchy. Patriarchy began as a system based around the control of the part of the population who generally can give birth, by the part that generally can't. Women and people who can give birth are not completely synonymous groups. (There are infertile women, fertile trans men, and so on.) Still, these two groups have the most overlap. Patriarchy means that, as a group, men control women. They exert this control in every part of society, through the systems that are built into that society. Some of the many forms of how patriarchy controls, oppresses, and abuses women include:

  • Violence. Patriarchy tells women that they need a man close to them at all times, if for no other reason than to protect them from violence from other men. However, domestic violence is a very common cause of women's deaths.
  • The idea of rape as normal (rape culture). Rape culture includes the idea that women are the ones who should take responsibility for preventing themselves from being raped (victim blaming), and defending rapists as not responsible for their actions, without educating men to not rape. Rape is specifically a significant part of the oppression of cisgender women due to the risk of unwanted pregnancy. Much of patriarchy is based around this.
  • The idea of women as being less human (dehumanization). Dehumanization of women means that society assumes that women's minds are more like animals' minds (sometimes said in ways that seem positive, like "intuitive" or "closer to nature"), and are thought to be less able to do what men's can do, and therefore won't let women have educations, work most kinds of jobs, or drive. Without these things, it's difficult for women to free themselves from oppression.
  • Ownership of women. Patriarchy often makes cisgender women have the legal status not of people, but of possessions (chattel) owned by men (their husbands or fathers). As chattel, women have no say in what happens to their bodies, can legally own no possessions, and can't vote.

All of these things oppress women. The system of patriarchy maintains itself by making it difficult for women to get the power to challenge or escape the oppression.

Feminism is activism against patriarchy, and it begins with activism to give women the legal status of people. The outward signs of that legal status are the right to choose what happens to their own bodies (legal access to birth control), the right to own property, the right to vote (suffrage), and the right to work. These can only be done by those who are legally recognized as persons. Feminism is a movement that can make equal rights for people of all genders by liberating them all from patriarchy, but feminism has its main focus on fulfilling the needs of cisgender women, because patriarchy has its main focus on oppressing them.

Transgender womenEdit

Transgender women are women who were assigned male at birth (or had certain intersex conditions), and who have a female gender identity. Like any women, they usually use "she" pronouns, and their sexual orientation can be lesbian, heterosexual, or otherwise. This is the male-to-female transgender spectrum. Older psychological and medical writings wrongly call trans women "male transsexuals" or "male transvestites", and call them by unwanted "he" pronouns. Trans women are women, not feminine men or gay men.

Many transgender women transition to address gender dysphoria, and some also consider themselves to be transsexual women. Any transgender person's transition path is very individual. Common features in a transgender woman's transition path include hormone therapy to create a balance with estrogen higher than testosterone, and a wide variety of kinds of surgery to choose from.

Patriarchy oppresses and devalues all forms of womanhood and femininity, not only of cisgender women, but also of trans women, called transmisogyny. Julia Serano coined this word for her trans-feminist book, Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and the Scapegoating of Femininity (2007). Patriarchy sees trans women as a threat that could undermine its power and rigidity. One feature of a trans-misogynistic culture is that by far, the most kinds of hate speech and slurs used against trans people are those used specifically against trans women. Violence against and murder of trans people also, by far, most commonly targets trans women, especially trans women of colour. The Transgender Day of Remembrance gives a memorial to the many trans people who are murdered each year around the world. These are nearly all trans women of colour.

In the transgender community, "gatekeeper" is slang for the system of health providers that decide whether to allow a transgender person to get gender-validating health care.[19] Medical gatekeepers, as well as the serious risks of living in trans-misogynistic culture, both put pressure on trans women to conform to society's behavioral and physical ideals for feminine cisgender women. One form of this pressure is that gatekeepers told trans women not to interact with other trans women outside of gender centers, saying that this would invalidate their womanhood. Keeping trans women isolated from one another in this way made it so that trans women couldn't organize among themselves to do activism for their own rights.[20]

Some cultures that recognize(d) male-to-female spectrum gender roles include the Ethiopian Maale people (Ashtime), the Madagascaran Sakalava (Sekrata), the Lakota (Winkte), the Navajo (Nadleehi), the Zapotec (Muxe), many south Asian countries (Hijra), Oman (Xanith), Nepal (Metis), Turkey (Köçek), Italy (Femminello) Myanmar (Acault), Samoa (Fa'afafine), Maori (Whakawahine), much of ancient Europe (Gallae), and many others. Historically, these male-to-female spectrum roles have been made of some people who were analogous to modern, Western ideas of trans women, as well as some people who are not so analogous to that, such as feminine gay men, or nonbinary people who were AMAB.

Nonbinary womenEdit

Some people identify as nonbinary and as a binary gender such as woman. They may see themselves as almost but not quite fitting into the category of womanhood, feel an association with being a woman or femininity, or not mind being seen as women. Depending on how the individual defines their identity, they may consider themself to be nonbinary women if they also consider themself to be partly female (demigirl), femme, a gender nonconforming queer masculine woman (butch), someone who only wants to be in the active role of sex without being touched (stone), androgynous, having a gender identity that often changes (genderfluid), having more than one gender (bigender), having a form of womanhood that is itself queer (genderqueer), or other kinds of identities.

In the 2019 Gender Census, 1,416 of the respondents (12.6%) identified as a woman or girl, even as many of them also identified as nonbinary.[21]

Notable nonbinary womenEdit

Rebecca Sugar, a writer and animation artist who is a nonbinary woman, at the Peabody Awards in 2019.
Shakina Nayfack, a gender nonconforming nonbinary trans woman.

Some notable people who identify as nonbinary who also use female, girl, or woman in the description of their gender identity include:

See alsoEdit


  1. Sophie Labelle. Assigned Male (political comic). February 6, 2019. https://assignedmale.tumblr.com/post/182605182667
  2. "wīfmann": Bosworth & Toller, Anglo-Saxon Dictionary (Oxford, 1898–1921) p. 1219. The spelling "wifman" also occurs: C.T. Onions, Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology (Oxford, 1966) p. 1011
  3. Webster's New World Dictionary, Second College Edition, entry for "woman".
  4. man – definition Dictionary.reference.com Archived on 17 July 2023
  5. Stanton, Elizabeth Cady (2002). "The Book of Genesis, Chapter II". The Woman's Bible: A Classic Feminist Perspective. Mineola, New York: Dover Publications. pp. 21–22. ISBN 978-0486424910. Archived from the original on 17 July 2023. Next comes the naming of the mother of the race. "She shall be called Woman," in the ancient form of the word Womb-man. She was man and more than man because of her maternity. (Originally published in two volumes, 1895 and 1898, by The European Publishing Company.)
  6. "womb (n.)". Online Etymology Dictionary. Archived from the original on 17 July 2023. Retrieved 29 August 2019. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  7. S. Starostin. "Germanic etymology". The Tower of Babel. Archived from the original on 17 July 2023.
  8. Kluge, Friedrich (1891). An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language. London: George Bell & Sons. p. 384. Archived from the original on 17 July 2023. Translated by John Francis Davis, D.Litl, M.A. More than one of |archiveurl= and |archive-url= specified (help); More than one of |archivedate= and |archive-date= specified (help)CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  9. Used in Middle English from c. 1300, meaning 'a child of either sex, a young person'. Its derivation is uncertain, perhaps from an Old English word which has not survived: another theory is that it developed from Old English 'gyrela', meaning 'dress, apparel': or was a diminutive form of a borrowing from another West Germanic Language. (Middle Low German has Gör, Göre, meaning 'girl or small child'.) "girl, n.". OED Online. September 2013. Oxford University Press. 13 September 2013
  10. By late 14th century a distinction was arising between female children, often called 'gay girls' – and male, or 'knave girls' -: a1375 William of Palerne (1867) l. 816 ' Whan þe gaye gerles were in-to þe gardin come, Faire floures þei founde.' ('When the gay girls came into the garden, Fair flowers they found.') By the 16th century, the unsupported word had begun to mean specifically a female: 1546 J. Heywood Dialogue Prouerbes Eng. Tongue i. x. sig. D, 'The boy thy husbande, and thou the gyrle his wyfe.' The usage meaning 'child of either sex' survived much longer in Irish English. "girl, n.". OED Online. September 2013. Oxford University Press. 13 September 2013
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