Romantic and sexual orientation

    From Nonbinary Wiki
    (Redirected from Asexual)

    Romantic and sexual orientation are enduring personal qualities that incline people to feel romantic and sexual attraction to certain kinds of people. Sometimes terms for sexual orientation are also used to include romantic orientation, the tendency to feel romantic attraction to certain kinds of people. Other times, orientation labels differentiate between romantic and sexual attraction. Some of the most widely known labels for attraction, such as "lesbian," also imply the user's gender. Words for attraction experienced by nonbinary people or attraction to nonbinary people have been proposed, but are not as wide-spread yet. By some interpretations, every orientation includes attraction to some nonbinary people.[1][2] This wiki article includes many terms for romantic and sexual orientation that may include nonbinary people, and explains how they may.

    Usually attracted to women[edit | edit source]

    In the English-speaking world, most people know about three orientations that are usually attracted to women: bisexuals (who are attracted to two or more genders), heterosexual men, and homosexual women (lesbians). Some other identity labels have been proposed in order to have a way to say that one is usually attracted to women, without labeling one's own gender identity: gynephilia, femaric, feminamoric, neptunic, and venusic. Some identity labels have been proposed specifically for nonbinary people who are usually attracted to women: azalian, nonbinary people loving women (NBLW), and orbisian/trixic.

    Azalian[edit | edit source]

    "An agender/genderless person who loves women." Coined by tumblr user genderless-gibberish.[3].

    Blossian[edit | edit source]

    Blossian pride flag

    Blossian refers to an agender person who is attracted exclusively to women. This was coined by Twitter user kairofanatic on April 5, 2021.[6]

    Donna-[edit | edit source]

    Flag for donna- pride. Variations can be seen in this blog post.

    An unaligned nonbinary person who is only attracted to women. Suffixes are added to specify type of attraction, e.g. donnasexual, donnaromantic, donnaqueerplatonic, etc. "Donna" means woman in Italian. Coined by a person named Fy in a 2017 submission to Beyond MOGAI Pride Flags.[7]

    Femaric[edit | edit source]

    Femaric flag, created by tumblr user goodpositivitylgbt.

    Non-straight attraction by anyone to women and feminine-aligned people. Coined by Tumblr user goodpositivitylgbt.[8]

    Feminamoric[edit | edit source]

    A nonbinary person attracted exclusively to women.[9][10] Various flags have been created for this orientation.

    Femique[edit | edit source]

    Femique pride flag.

    Femique is "a non-gendered term for anyone who feels queer attraction to women [a femique person] / a non-gendered term for queer attraction to women [femique attraction]".[11]

    Gay women[edit | edit source]

    Some women who are attracted to women call themselves gay women. Gay women may or may not consider this to mean the exact same thing as lesbian. Gay women may or may not also consider themselves genderqueer. A notable example of this is American musician King Princess, who describes herself as a genderqueer person and gay woman.[12]

    Gynephilic/Gynesexual[edit | edit source]

    Gynephilia, also referred to as gynesexuality, gynosexuality[13], or femsexuality, is a romantic or sexual orientation in which a person feels attraction to women or to traits they perceive as feminine.[14]

    This term has gained criticism, arguing that the prefix "gyne-" is focused on genitals, not gender.[15] Indeed, some sources do define it as "sexual attraction to the female anatomy".[16] Other sources disagree, saying that it is an "attraction toward women, females, and perceived femininity irrespective of whether or not they were assigned female at birth."[17] Thus, someone who uses the term "gynephilic" or "gynesexual" for themselves might be attracted to feminine women (both cis and trans) as well as feminine men.[16]

    Lesbian[edit | edit source]

    A lesbian flag that won a contest for designing a lesbian flag in 2018, in which trans and nonbinary lesbians were welcome.[19]
    A lesbian flag design created in 2018, based off the colors of flowers in a poem by Sappho. The link explains it was created specifically to include all sapphics, including those who are trans, butch, and people of color.[20]

    Simply put, people who identify as lesbians are usually women who feel attraction to other women. Historically and today, many lesbians have a gender identity and expression that they feel does not fit into the Western gender binary or patriarchal, heterosexual norms of womanhood. Some see "lesbian" as their gender identity as well as their sexuality.[21][22][23] Some lesbians who use the words butch, stone, or dyke for themselves express and experience their gender identities through masculinity, androgyny, sexual difference, and nonconformity.[24][25][26] Lesbians can be cisgender women, transgender women, nonbinary/genderqueer women, and anyone else who feels that their identities align with womanhood or that they have some kind of connection to womanhood.[27][28][29][30][31]

    Some notable nonbinary lesbians include:

    More lesbian and nonbinary lesbian flags can be seen in Category:Lesbian pride flags.

    NBLW[edit | edit source]

    Non-binary people loving women (often abbreviated as nblw) is an expression used to describe nonbinary people who feel some type of attraction towards women. Trixic or orbisian are terms that can be used with the same meaning.

    Some nblw prefer the term nonbinary lesbian to describe their attraction to women because it's easier, since lesbian is better known than trixic or orbisian, and some people can relate more to this term.

    Gynesexual or finsexual are also terms to describe the attraction to femininity but they're not specifically for non-binary people and also don't exclusively describe the attraction to women.

    Neptunic[edit | edit source]

    Neptunic flag, created by tumblr user Dark (loud-and-queer).

    Attraction to women, nongendered people, and all nonbinary people who are not male-aligned or masculine.[43]

    Orbisian/Trixic[edit | edit source]

    Error creating thumbnail: File with dimensions greater than 12.5 MP
    Trixic or orbisian flag.

    An orbisian or trixic person is a nonbinary person who is attracted to women (exclusively or not).[9] The trixic or orbisian flag was created by non-alligned-sapphic on tumblr. Purples and yellows represent nonbinary-ness, while pink represents the attraction to women.

    The most commonly-used trixic flag is pictured here. Alternative trixic flags can be seen in Category:Trixic pride flags.

    Sapphic[edit | edit source]

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    The Sapphic flag.

    Sapphic generally stands for feminine-aligned people being attracted to other feminine-aligned people and women.[44] It is an umbrella term for bisexual female-aligned people, lesbians, and any other people who consider themselves wlw (women who love women). Nonbinary people might consider themselves sapphic if they are partly female, sometimes female, female-aligned, or lunarian.

    The most commonly-used sapphic flag is pictured here. Alternative sapphic flags can be seen in Category:Sapphic pride flags.

    Umbalian[edit | edit source]

    Umbalian flag

    Term for nonbinary men who love women. Derived from the gemstone umbalite.[45]

    Venusic[edit | edit source]

    Venusic flag.

    Only attracted to women and fem-aligned nonbinary people or partial women. Sometimes called Venusian.[46] Coined in 2016.[47]

    Violettian[edit | edit source]

    Queer attraction to women, either exclusively to women or to women and other gender(s).[48]

    Womasexual[edit | edit source]

    Error creating thumbnail: File with dimensions greater than 12.5 MP
    Womasexual flag.

    "Attraction to women (and/or feminine genders, depending on the person)."[49]

    Usually attracted to men[edit | edit source]

    In the English-speaking world, most people know about three orientations that are usually attracted to men: bisexuals, heterosexual women, and homosexual men (gay men). Some other identity labels have been proposed in order to have a way to say that one is usually attracted to men, without labeling one's own gender identity: androphilia, marsic, mascic, and uranic. Some identity labels have been proposed specifically for nonbinary people who are usually attracted to men: nonbinary people loving men (NBLM), azurian, quadrisian/toric, thistlian, and viramoric.

    Achillean/MLM[edit | edit source]

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    A commonly-used flag for achillean pride. The green carnation historically indicated gayness.

    An umbrella term for any male, male-aligned, or partially-male people who feel attraction to men (e.g. gay men, bisexual/pansexual men, gay asexual men, etc.) In short, anyone who considers themself an MLM (man who loves men) can identify as achillean.[50] The term is derived from the mythical character Achilles.[51] Nonbinary people might consider themselves achillean if they are partly male, sometimes male, male-aligned, or solarian.

    Alternate terms/synonyms are "vincian",[52][53][54] inspired by Leonardo da Vinci[55], "wildean" inspired by Oscar Wilde[56][57], and "hyacique" from the Hyacinth flower and the minor Greek deity.[58]

    The most common achillean/MLM flag is pictured here. Alternatives can be seen in Category:Achillean pride flags and Category:MLM pride flags.

    Androphilia/Androsexuality[edit | edit source]

    Androphilia or androsexuality is a romantic or sexual orientation in which one feels attraction to men or masculinity, regardless of one's own gender identity.[14][59][17]

    To see more, visit Category:Androphilic and Androsexual pride flags.

    Azurian[edit | edit source]

    An azurian is a nonbinary man who is attracted only to men. Coined by tumblr user bentonthefoxkin, the word is derived from the mineral azurite.[60] Several flags have been created for this orientation.

    Cinthean[edit | edit source]

    Cinthean was proposed as an alternative for the terms "gay man" and "homosexual."[61] The term applies to men and nonbinary people who are exclusively attracted to men and nonbinary people. It is inspired by the tale of Hyacinthus, who was a lover of Apollo. As he died, Apollo transformed his blood into a flower to honor him, with that flower being believed to be what we now know as the hyacinth.[62]

    Cinthean flag.

    Gay men[edit | edit source]

    People who identify as gay men have a male gender identity, and are attracted only to men. This word is applicable regardless of whether one or both people involved are cisgender men or transgender men. Some nonbinary people also identify as men to some degree (nonbinary men), and also usually experience attraction to men, and so they consider themselves gay.

    Overall, most gay men have used the rainbow pride flag to represent themselves, but since it can also represent the whole LGBTQ community, several proposals for a gay-man-specific pride flag have been made, many with explicit inclusion of nonbinary gay men. It is impractical to include all the proposed flags here, so the gallery below is only a selection of those which gained some popularity and have been stated to include nonbinary men. See also Category:Gay man pride flags.

    Some alternate terms for a gay man or gay nonbinary person attracted to men have been coined, including "turian" (based on gay scientist Alan Turing) and "veldian" (based on "veld", a word for open grassland or pastureland in south African countries).[64]

    Masquine[edit | edit source]

    Masquine pride flag.

    Masquine is "a non-gendered term for anyone who feels queer attraction to men [a masquine person] / a non-gendered term for queer attraction to men [masquine attraction]".[11]

    Marsic[edit | edit source]

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    Marsic flag.

    Only attracted to men and masc-aligned nonbinary people or partial men.[65]

    Mascic[edit | edit source]

    Mascic flag, created by tumblr user goodpositivitylgbt.

    Non-straight attraction by anyone to men and masculine-aligned people. Coined by Tumblr user goodpositivitylgbt.[66]

    Masexual[edit | edit source]

    Error creating thumbnail: File with dimensions greater than 12.5 MP
    Masexual flag.

    "Attraction to men (and/or masculine genders, depending on the person)."[49]

    NBLM[edit | edit source]

    Nonbinary people loving men (very often abbreviated as nblm, NBLM) is a term that refers to nonbinary people who are sexually and/or romantically attracted to men, either exclusively or not.

    Quadrisian/Toric[edit | edit source]

    Nonbinary person attracted to men (exclusively or not). [9]

    Alternative flags can be seen in Category:Toric pride flags

    Thistlian[edit | edit source]

    "An agender/genderless person who loves men." Coined by tumblr user genderless-gibberish.[3]

    Uranic[edit | edit source]

    Uranic flag, created by tumblr user Dark (loud-and-queer).

    Attraction to men, nongendered people, and all nonbinary people who are not female-aligned or feminine.[67]

    Viramoric[edit | edit source]

    Nonbinary person attracted exclusively to men.[9] Various designs of the viramoric flag have been created; here is a selection.

    Note: The word "viramoric" should not be confused with "vixenamoric", which was created to exclude nonbinary lesbians and pronoun nonconforming lesbians from lesbianism.[68][69]

    Usually attracted to a different gender than one's own[edit | edit source]

    Heterosexuality[edit | edit source]

    A proposed flag to represent straight nonbinary people.

    Also called being straight, heterosexuality is a romantic and sexual orientation in which a person tends to feel sexual attraction only to people of a different gender identity than their own. For example, women who usually feel attracted only to men. This is heterosexuality even if one or both of the people are transgender, because this is based on gender identity rather than sex. Heterosexuality is often defined as attraction between persons of opposite gender[70]. However, the idea "opposite gender" only makes sense within the gender binary, which sees all people as being either of only two genders, and that those two genders are supposedly opposites to each other. What "heterosexuality" means when nonbinary identities are taken into account is not agreed upon. By its etymology, it could imply "other" or "different" gender.[71][72] In that case, a heterosexual nonbinary person could mean one who feels attraction to one gender other than nonbinary, to both binary genders, or to all genders other than their exact own. Nevertheless, heterosexuality is often assumed to refer to attraction between men and women only, even when nonbinary identities are acknowledged. This can cause distress to nonbinary people in a relationship and their partners as they struggle to find a labels for themselves. The question of whether a nonbinary person can identify as heterosexual-- and how exactly that person defines their heterosexuality-- is up to that individual person.

    There are multiple flags proposed to represent heterosexuality, but none has been made "official".[73] Here is a selection; more can be seen at this link.

    Strayt[edit | edit source]

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    The strayt flag, designed by nblwnonsense.[74]

    Coined by Mercuryretrograde[74], the term "strayt" is for nonbinary people who feel their attraction "is 'straight' but in a nonbinary way." Being strayt does not require attraction to only one gender or attraction to an "opposite" gender.[75]

    Contraic[edit | edit source]

    The contraic flag, designed by by identity-workshop. The blueish-purples and pinkish-purples represent masculinity and femininity, and the yellow represents nonbinary attraction.

    Term for nonbinary people's attraction to an "opposite side of the binary" gender. Coined by identity-workshop in 2018.[76][77]

    Omnistraight[edit | edit source]

    "Omnistraight" (likely coined to mirror omnigay) is a term which can be used by individuals with fluid gender who experience fluid attraction as well, such that they are always attracted to a gender different than their own current gender.[78][79]

    The original omnistraight flag is a combination of the straight flag and the genderfluid flag. It was created by beyond-mogai-pride-flags on November 29, 2017.[80] An alternate omnistraight flag was designed by Tumblr user enb-ab-y on March 30, 2020.[78]

    Usually attracted to the same gender as one's own[edit | edit source]

    Homosexuality[edit | edit source]

    Also called being gay, homosexuality is a sexual orientation in which a person feels sexual attraction only to people of the same gender as one's self.[81] All homosexual people can also call themselves gay. Homosexual attraction can sometimes include nonbinary people.[82]

    Nonbinary people who are mainly attracted to other nonbinary people could call themselves homosexual, gay, or NBLNB (nonbinary loving nonbinary). Nonbinary people who also identify as men or women to some degree, and are mainly attracted to the same, might also call themselves homosexual, gay, and/or lesbian.

    Gai[edit | edit source]

    The gai flag, designed by opalescentorbisian on tumblr. Meaning: "Orange is for solarian nbs, yellow is for nbs in general, green is for stellarian nbs, blue is for multi-attracted nbs who feel gai towards more than one gender, and purple is for lunarian nbs."

    The term "gai" is for nonbinary people who feel their attraction is gay but in a nonbinary way. Being gai does not require attraction to only one gender or attraction to the same gender.[83]

    Gay[edit | edit source]

    A nonbinary gay pride flag designed in 2018 by Alois (tumblr url thepokedexisgay)

    Although gay is a synonym for homosexual, some people prefer the word gay over the word homosexual for themselves. A gay person can be any gender. There are gay men, gay women, and gay nonbinary people.[84] Additionally, "gay" is sometimes used as a broad umbrella term for all non-hetero people.

    American musician King Princess describes herself as a both a genderqueer person and gay woman.[12]

    Omnigay[edit | edit source]

    "Omnigay" is a term which can be used by individuals with fluid gender who experience fluid attraction as well, "so that the individual is always attracted to [their] same gender."[85] Omnigay was coined in 2014 by tumblr user monetarymollusk.[86] In 2017, tumblr user shadowofthedude coined a synonym "omnique" (pronounced om-NEEK) which can also be used as a noun (ex: "I'm an omnique.") "Omnique" is formed by combining "omnigay" and "queer".[87]

    Symmaic[edit | edit source]

    The symmaic flag, designed by by identity-workshop. Purple represents "the median between masculinity and femininity", and the yellow and white both represent nonbinary attraction.

    Coined in 2018 by tumblr user identity-workshop. A symmaic person is a nonbinary person attracted to their same gender. The prefix sym is taken from the word "symmetry".[76]

    Usually attracted to more than one gender[edit | edit source]

    There are many orientations that feel attraction to more than one gender. The most well-known labels in this "multisexual umbrella" or "m-spectrum" are bisexuality, pansexuality, omnisexuality, and polysexuality, but there are many less common ones as well.

    A pride parade in which bisexual and pansexual flags can be seen.

    Bisexuality[edit | edit source]

    Bisexuality is a sexual orientation in which a person feels sexual attraction to more than one gender.[89][90][91] Some define this as attraction to "women and men".[92][93] Others define bisexuality as attraction to two categories of people: the same as one's own gender, and different than one's own gender.[94] Others define bisexuality as attraction to people of any gender. What "bisexuality" means when nonbinary identities are taken into account is a matter of debate. Many people feel that "bi-" reinforces the gender binary, and erases nonbinary identities, preferring pansexual or polysexual. Others[95] argue that "bisexual" was originally coined to describe a sexuality which included aspects of both heterosexuality and homosexuality, and that it should be interpreted as inclusive of attraction to all genders or sexes, although there are certainly bisexuals who do only feel attraction to two specific genders, whether those be "men and women", "women and genderqueer folks", or any two genders imaginable.[96]

    Notable bisexual nonbinary people include:

    "Bisexual" has also sometimes been used to describe a gender identity that is nonbinary.[97]

    Pansexuality[edit | edit source]

    Pansexuality is a sexual orientation that involves sexual attraction to people of all genders.[98][99] Pansexuals are attracted to all types of people. They might be "gender-blind" (meaning that gender is insignificant or irrelevant in determining their attraction), or they might not.[100] Some people prefer to call themselves 'pansexual' rather than bisexual because they feel the word "bisexual" has binary implications.[101][102]

    Pansexual and Panromantic Awareness & Visibility Day is celebrated on May 24.[103]

    Notable pansexual nonbinary or genderqueer people include:

    It is not uncommon for people to use both bisexual and pansexual as labels, due to the overlapping definitions. Notable nonbinary people who are both bi and pan include musician Mal Blum, musician Sarah Shook, and activist Gigi Raven Wilbur.

    Omnisexuality[edit | edit source]

    Omnisexual flag.

    Omnisexuality/omniromanticism is attraction to all genders/every gender.[104][105] By some definitions, this is a synonym for pansexual.[106][107] By other definitions, it is similar to pansexuality but with gender playing a role in attraction.[108][109][110]

    In 2020, the date of March 21 was proposed as Omni Pride Day, because rotating the M and N in "OMNI" makes it resemble the numerals 0321.[111]

    Polysexuality[edit | edit source]

    Polysexual flag.

    Polysexuals are attracted towards more than one gender, but not all genders (as in pansexuality) and not just both binary genders (as in some understandings of bisexuality).[112] For example, someone attracted to all genders except men might identify as polysexual.[113] Polysexual people might or might not have a gender preference.[114]

    The polysexual flag, designed by Tumblr user Samlin in 2012, has pink for women, blue for men, and green for nonbinary people.[113]

    Polysexuality should not be confused with polyamory, which is about openly being in a relationship with more than one partner at the same time.[113]

    Agatic[edit | edit source]

    Agatic flag.

    "A woman who is attracted to women and nonbinary people (to any degree), exclusively or not."[115]

    Ammolic[edit | edit source]

    Any nonbinary person who is attracted to women and nonbinary people. (NBLW and NBLNB)[116][117] Term coined and flag created by tumblr user ideas-of-immortality in July 2018, based on the gemstone ammolite.[118][119] Also known as Brownitian (coined by tumblr user saturnic-vapour[120]) or Ametrian.[121]

    Citrinian[edit | edit source]

    Citrinian flag.

    "A woman who is attracted to men and nonbinary people (to any degree), exclusively or not."[122]

    Dahlian[edit | edit source]

    "An agender/genderless person who loves men, women, nbs, and other agender/genderless people." Coined by tumblr user genderless-gibberish.[3]

    Differo-[edit | edit source]

    Differosexual or differoromantic refers to a person of any gender that is attracted to multiple genders that are different from their own gender.[123] The term was created by Tumblr user mossy-maze on January 15, 2018, along with the below flags.[124]

    Disexual or Dyosexual[edit | edit source]

    Disexual or dyosexual is used to specify attraction to exactly two genders, whether those are binary genders or not.[125]

    Enbisian[edit | edit source]

    The enbisian flag.

    A term coined in 2020 by tumblr user enbisian. This describes the orientation of nonbinary people (fem-aligned or non-aligned) who are attracted to only women and nonbinary people (fem-aligned or non-aligned). The word is a combination of "enby" and "orbisian". The definition is similar to neptunic, but unlike neptunic, enbisian cannot be used by men or male-aligned people.[126]

    Florian[edit | edit source]

    Florian by incusins.png

    Men who are exclusively attracted to men and nonbinary people.[127]

    Fincian[edit | edit source]

    Fincian by incusins.png

    Women who are exclusively attracted to women and nonbinary people.[128]

    Geranian[edit | edit source]

    Geranian pride flag

    Coined in November 2020, the term "geranian" describes "an agender/genderless person who loves women, non-binary people, and other agender/genderless people."[129]

    Irisian[edit | edit source]

    Irisian flag by tumblr user nova-is-hella-cute.

    "An agender/genderless person attracted to other agender/genderless people, non-binary people, and men." Coined by tumblr user libragender.[130]

    Jaspian[edit | edit source]

    The jaspian flag, with colors inspired by the mineral. Created by Eli (tumblr user dispositiondocket).

    A nonbinary person who is attracted to men, nonbinary people, and women. Coined 20 May 2018 by Eli (tumblr user dispositiondocket). Named after the stone/mineral jasper.[131] See also Versian.

    Lilacian[edit | edit source]

    Lilacian flag

    An agender/genderless person attracted to men and nonbinary people. Coined in 2018 by tumblr user saturnic-vapour.[132]

    Litian[edit | edit source]

    Litian flag

    A man who loves women and nonbinary people (exclusively or not).[133][134]

    Marblic/Astronic[edit | edit source]

    Marblic/astronic flag.

    A man attracted to men, women, and nonbinary people.[135][136]

    Mercuric[edit | edit source]

    Also known as mercurian, this term can be used to describe attraction to women, men, and nonbinary people who are aligned towards one or the other, but not other-aligned or unaligned. Intended to be similar to other planetary-related terms to describe attraction for nonbinary people, such as venusic and marsic.[137]

    Multisexual/Plurisexual/Mspec[edit | edit source]

    Multisexual, plurisexual, and mspec (or m-spec) are umbrella terms used to describe people who experience attraction to more than one gender, which may include many or all genders. It can describe individuals who are bisexual, pansexual, polysexual, omnisexual, etc, or can be used as a stand-alone identity if one does not wish to specify their orientation further.[138]

    There is not one widely-agreed-upon flag for this umbrella term. Some proposed flags are shown here.

    Nomasexual/Nomaromantic[edit | edit source]

    Attraction to all genders except (binary) men.[141][49]

    Nowomasexual/Nowomaromantic[edit | edit source]

    Attraction to all genders except (binary) women.[141][49]

    Opalian[edit | edit source]

    Opalian is a label for people who are both nonbinary and a man, attracted to men and nonbinary people.[142]

    Orchidian[edit | edit source]

    "An agender/genderless person who loves women and men". Coined in January 2020 by tumblr user genderless-gibberish.[143]

    Pluralian[edit | edit source]

    Pluralian flag.

    Umbrella term for anyone (of any gender) who is attracted to more than one gender. Can be used as a noun ("The pluralian decided to date John") or as an adjective ("I'm so pluralian"). A synonym for "m-spec". Coined by dinolove453 on deviantart.[144]

    Penultisexual/Penultiromantic[edit | edit source]

    Penulti- pride flag.

    Being attracted to all genders except your own.[145]

    Periso/Perisosexual/Perisoromantic[edit | edit source]

    "Being attracted to the same gender and some or all non binary genders but NOT to the other binary gender [...] The word comes from 'per' (through) and 'iso' (identical) meaning literally 'being attracted to the same gender and through the binary i.e. to non binary genders'." Coined by queer-coloured-glasses on tumblr.[146]

    Spectrasexual[edit | edit source]

    File:Spectrasexual flag.png
    A spectrasexual pride flag, with stripes of lavender, deep purple, white, cyan, light blue. The stripes represent (in order) female people, love, nonbinary people, sex, and male people.[147]

    Attracted to multiple genders, but not all genders[17], or attraction to "a wide range of genders".[147] Spectrasexual falls under the umbrella term of polysexual.

    Toren-[edit | edit source]

    Toren- flag created by Tumblr user nlmgalaxy.

    Torensexual, torenromantic, or torenamoric refer to a person of any gender who experiences attraction to only men and nonbinary people. The term was coined on November 12, 2018 by Tumblr user wedontcareaboutyourbinary.[148][149]

    Trixen-[edit | edit source]

    Trixen- flag created by Tumblr user nlmgalaxy.

    Trixensexual, trixenromantic, or trixenamoric refer to a person of any gender who experiences attraction to only women and nonbinary people. The term was coined on November 12, 2018 by Tumblr user wedontcareaboutyourbinary. The prefix "trixen-" combines the Latin noun suffix "-trix", used to form feminine agent nouns (also used in "trixic") with "en" from the term "enby".[148][150]

    Note: The word "trixenamoric" should not be confused with "vixenamoric", which was created to exclude nonbinary lesbians and pronoun nonconforming lesbians from lesbianism.[68][69]

    Versian[edit | edit source]

    Versian pride flag.

    Term meaning "nonbinary people who love women, nonbinary people, and men. Comes from the word universe, keeping in with the space-themed terms for nonbinary people. of course, a versian person could also i.d as pan-, but this term places emphasis on being of a nonbinary gender(s)". Term and flag created by xeno-aligned on tumblr in 2018.[151] See also Jaspian.

    Usually attracted to nonbinary people[edit | edit source]

    Words for orientations involving nonbinary people are, at this time in history, not as developed or widely agreed upon as those involving people who have binary genders.

    Orientations tend to be named and categorized in a way that involves one's own gender identity. For example, "lesbian" indicates not only that one is attracted to women, but also that one identifies as a woman. Some words for sexual orientations make reference to one's own gender: heterosexuality and homosexuality, gay and lesbian.

    Some words for sexual orientations don't make reference to one's own gender, which makes it easier for nonbinary people to use them. This includes androphilic, gynephilic, ceterosexuality, and asexuality. This is also the case for bisexuality, polysexuality, omnisexuality, and pansexuality, which mean attraction to more than one gender of people. People disagree about how each of these involve transgender, nonbinary, and intersex people, and which of these words is the most inclusive and respectful of the legitimacy of them.

    Ageninic[edit | edit source]

    Ageninic flag

    Attraction to only agender people.[152]

    Aliamoric[edit | edit source]

    Aliamoric (new) by ragamuffins system.png

    Word for a nonbinary person exclusively attracted to other nonbinary people.[153] The term and the flags were made by Tumblr user gay-rats-sys (now called the-ragamuffins-sys).[154]

    Androgynesexual[edit | edit source]

    Androgynesexual refers to attraction to androgynous or gender neutral people.[155] However, androgynesexual carries the connotation that the person of attraction is both masculine and feminine, rather than neither.[156] Sometimes it is defined as attraction to men and women with androgynous appearances[157], or to simply anyone with androgynous appearance.[158]

    Antigendersexual / Antigenderromantic[edit | edit source]

    Antigendersexual/antigenderromantic flag.

    Attracted to genderless/agender people.[159] Coined in 2018 by an anonymous tumblr user.[160]

    Aquian[edit | edit source]

    Error creating thumbnail: File with dimensions greater than 12.5 MP
    Aquian pride flag, by an anonymous creator.

    Only attracted to people whose genders change, e.g. genderfluid and genderflux. The term comes from "aqua" meaning water, because water is a fluid.[161]

    WLNB/Asterian/Maedic[edit | edit source]

    The maedic/WLNB flag created by Mod Fy of beyond-mogai-pride-flags.

    Terms for a woman attracted to nonbinary people.[162][163] The term "asterian" was coined in 2018 or possibly earlier by tumblr user orbisian-prinxess, who wrote:

    « Aster comes from the ancient greek word for star, and specifically the term asterian is derived from asterisk, meaning ‘little star’. As non-binaries are often represented by stars (hence stellarian) as there are countless billions of stars completely seperate from the influence of our human gender binary (unlike the sun and moon, having been gendered in religions and cultures through time), loving nb people as a woman is known as being an asterian, especially as women are represented by circles, and if the outer points of an asterisk are joined it forms a circle - representing the union of nb people and woman.[164] »

    "Maedic", coined in 2018 by Mod Alec/Jace of tumblr blog beyond-mogai-pride-flags, is a synonym for asterian. This word was derived from the maenads of Greek mythology, who were female followers of Dionysus and consorts of Hermaphrodite (deity of androgyny).[165][166]

    Note: "Asterian" is also an alternative term for men who love men.[167][168]

    Various WLNB flags can be seen in Category:WLNB pride flags.

    Astroidian or Asteroidian[edit | edit source]

    Astroidian flag.

    Umbrella term for any man or masculine-aligned person who is attracted to nonbinary people, including but not limited to: gay men, bisexuals, pansexuals, polysexuals, etc.[169] An alternative term for this is Adonic.[136][170][171]

    Bigeninic[edit | edit source]

    Bigeninic pride flag

    Attracted to bigender people.[172]

    Delphinian[edit | edit source]

    "An agender/genderless person who loves other agender/genderless people." Coined by tumblr user genderless-gibberish.[3]

    Diamoric[edit | edit source]

    Error creating thumbnail: File with dimensions greater than 12.5 MP
    The diamoric pride flag, created on 26 June 2016.

    "A form of attraction felt by nonbinary people who feel that being nonbinary affects their experience with attraction or a nonbinary form of attraction that does not fit a same or similar vs opposite or other gender attraction dichotomy. ‘Diamoric orientations’ is an umbrella term for all orientations lables that describe nonbinary attraction that does not conform to a similar/opposite gender dichotomy."[9] "Diamoric" can also describe a relationship or attraction that involves at least one nonbinary person.[173]

    The term was originally going to be "dionysian" from the god Dionysus, but this drew criticism, and "diamoric" was decided as the replacement. It is formed from the Greek prefix "dia-", meaning "passing through", "going apart", or "thoroughly/completely" and the Latin "amor" for love.[174]

    Enbian[edit | edit source]

    "[NBLNB], nonbinary people who experience attraction towards nonbinary people (whether exclusively or not)."[9]

    More enbian flag designs can be seen in Category:Enbian pride flags.

    Enboric[edit | edit source]

    Enboric flag, created by tumblr user goodpositivitylgbt.

    "[A]n umbrella term to describe any attraction to nonbinary people. coined with nonbinary people in mind, but can be used by anyone who is attracted to nonbinary people and not straight."[49]

    Lunaric[edit | edit source]

    Error creating thumbnail: File with dimensions greater than 12.5 MP
    Lunaric flag

    Attraction solely to lunarians, female-aligned nonbinary people, and feminine nonbinary people (but not women). Coined in 2017 by tumblr user loud-and-queer.[175]

    Magnolian[edit | edit source]

    Magnolian pride flag, by tumblr user nova-is-hella-cute.

    "An agender/genderless person who loves nonbinary people and agender/genderless people". Coined in January 2020 by tumblr user genderless-gibberish.[143] Note: this word has also been used to mean a certain type of nonbinary gender expression.[176]

    Mixsexual[edit | edit source]

    In 2018, Kate Bornstein proposed the term "mixsexual" to mean "people who are attracted to people who, intentionally or not, mix gender in body or soul."[177]

    NBLNB[edit | edit source]

    Nonbinary people loving nonbinary people (often abbreviated as nblnb, NBlNB, NblNb) is a term that refers to nonbinary people who are sexually and/or romantically attracted to other nonbinary people.

    Neutric/neutray/neutrian[edit | edit source]

    "[A] specific term for neutrois attracted to neutrois". Coined in 2018 by tumblr user arco-pluris. The flags are shades of yellow, since yellow is "the neutral color."[178]

    Ninsexual/Ninromantic[edit | edit source]

    A ninsexual pride flag.

    Attraction to genders that are Neutral In Nature[49] (e.g. neutrois, gender neutral, etc.)

    Paninic/Pangeninic[edit | edit source]

    Paninic flag.

    Attracted to pangender people.[179][180]

    Saturnic[edit | edit source]

    Saturnic flag.

    Attraction solely to other nonbinary people, including those who may be woman-aligned and/or man-aligned, but not to women nor men.[181] Appears to have been coined in 2018 by tumblr user arco-pluris.[182]

    Ceterosexuality[edit | edit source]

    Ceterosexuality, formerly skoliosexuality, means a sexual orientation in which a person feels sexual attraction to nonbinary people, and perhaps other kinds of transgender people as well. [183] Some believe the term is only to be used by nonbinary people[9], though it was coined in the context of binary people's attraction to nonbinary people.[184] Nonbinary people who are attracted to other nonbinary people might also use the terms homosexual, homoromantic, gay, NBLNB, etc. Skoliosexual was coined in 2010 by the user Nelde on DeviantArt[184], but due to a somewhat problematic etymology (skolio- comes from the Greek for "crooked"), some prefer to use the term ceterosexual, (from Latin "cetera", meaning "other") or allotroposexual (from Greek "allotropo" meaning "different").[185][186]

    Several flags have been proposed and used for ceterosexuality. See Category:Cetero pride flags.

    Solaric[edit | edit source]

    Solaric pride flag.

    Attraction solely to solarians, male-aligned nonbinary people, and masculine nonbinary people (but not men).[175]

    Stellaric[edit | edit source]

    Error creating thumbnail: File with dimensions greater than 12.5 MP
    Stellaric pride flag.

    Attraction solely to non-aligned nonbinary people and stellarians.[175][187] Given that this term is based on stellarian, it could also be taken as a term for attraction solely to stellarians and gender-neutral nonbinary people. This would be similar to the origins and use of lunaric and solaric.

    Terraric[edit | edit source]

    A nonbinary person attracted to nonbinary people and stellarians. Also may be called Terrasexual, Terraromantic, or Terrarian.[188] Judging by the wording, the use of "nonbinary people" here may be referring to non-aligned nonbinary people.

    Wisterian[edit | edit source]

    "An agender/genderless person who loves enbies." Coined by tumblr user genderless-gibberish.[3] Note: this word has also been used to mean a certain type of nonbinary gender expression.[176]

    Usually not attracted[edit | edit source]

    Asexual participants in the Pride in London 2016 parade. Photo by Katy Blackwood.

    Asexuality[edit | edit source]

    Disambiguation: for asexuality in the sense of a person born without sexual organs, that is an intersex condition, so instead see intersex. People who don't experience sexual attraction are most often not intersex.

    Asexuality is a sexual orientation in which a person usually does not feel sexual attraction to any gender identity. Asexuality is a condition characterized by a lack of sexual attraction. This is an enduring characteristic.[189] Asexuality is not the same as celibacy, in which a person may feel sexual attraction, but intentionally chooses not to have sex.[190][191] Asexuality can be mistaken for aromanticism, however they are different (aromanticism is the lack of romantic attraction rather than sexual). More often than not, people use asexuality to mean something distinct from aromanticism, to say that they may feel romantic attraction, but not sexual attraction.[192] Asexuality is not the same as a lack of libido. They may have little or no interest in sexual activity, yet sexual activity is viewed independently from sexual attraction. Asexual identifying individuals may also identify, for example, as sex repulsed or sex positive or sex neutral. Some asexual people enjoy taking part in sexual relationships, even though some do not feel an instinctive need to do so.[193] Many asexuals see asexuality as a queer identity, and under the umbrella of marginalized orientations, gender identities, and intersex (MOGII), because they experience discrimination for their orientation, like lesbian, gay, and bisexual people. Asexuality can also be defined as an umbrella term, which can include other kinds of sexuality labels in the asexual spectrum, such as and gray-asexuality, demisexuality, and more.[194][195]

    Notable asexual nonbinary people include:

    Aromanticism[edit | edit source]

    Aromanticism (often abbreviated to aro) is a romantic orientation in which a person usually experiences no romantic attraction towards any genders.[201][202] An aromantic person may have interest in romantic activity, however, they tend not to. Aromanticism is not the same as asexuality (the lack of sexual attraction), nor is it on the asexual or greysexual spectrums. Additionally, not all aromantics are asexual and vice versa. Aromantics who are not asexual or greysexual (allosexual) are known as AroAllos, and those who are both aromantic and asexual are known as AroAces.[203][204] Some aromantics actively seek out and enjoy being in romantic relationships or queerplatonic relationships, while others do not.[205] Many, though not all, aromantics see their aromanticism as an inherently queer identity and feel that they are included in the LGBT+ acronym and community, since they can experience discrimination due to their romantic orientation and are generally marginalized because of societal norms around romance and amatonormativity.[206] Aromanticism can also be defined as an umbrella term or a spectrum which includes identities such as greyromantic (or grey-aromantic), demiromantic, among others.[207]

    Aromantic Visibility Day was established as June 5th in 2023.[208]

    Demisexuality and Gray-Asexuality[edit | edit source]

    Gray-Asexuality falls "in the gray area" between allosexuality and asexuality. Gray-aces can be sexually attracted, but less often or to a lesser extent than allosexuals.

    Demisexuality is similar, but different in that a demisexual person will feel sexual attraction only if they have formed an emotional bond with someone, a friend for example.

    Notable genderqueer and nonbinary people who fall under the demi- umbrella of identities include

    Demiromanticism and Greyromanticism[edit | edit source]

    Demiromanticism is a romantic identity label describing a person who may feel romantic attraction only to people they have formed a bond with. For example, a demiromantic person may be friends with someone for a while before they develop romantic feelings for them. Demiromanticism is on the greyromantic spectrum and may be considered aromantic too.

    Some other identity labels that may fall under the asexual and aromantic spectrums are listed here (external link).

    Other terms[edit | edit source]

    Abrosexuality and Abroromanticism[edit | edit source]

    Abrosexual and/or abroromantic are terms for an orientation that is fluid/changes from time to time. "For example, a person who is abrosexual might be sexually attracted to men at one point, then not sexually attracted to anyone weeks later."[212] It is important to note that the timeframes of orientation changes are different between different abrosexual/Abroromantic people.[213]

    The abro- prefix was taken from the Greek root for "delicate" or "graceful", and was chosen to represent "the movement and changing nature of" this orientation.[212]

    Novosexuality and Novoromanticism[edit | edit source]

    Novosexual flag.

    Novosexual and/or novoromantic are terms for when someone's orientation changes along with their gender changing.[214][215] See also omnistraight and omnigay, earlier in this page.

    See also[edit | edit source]

    References[edit | edit source]

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    72. Clark, Terri; Gilbert, Tracie Q.; Rayne, Karen (2017). 25 Great Lesson Plans about Sexual Orientation. Archived from the original on 21 July 2023. Retrieved 27 September 2021. The prefix hetero means "different" or "other". Thus, heterosexuality (often called straight) refers to people who are exclusively attracted to different-sexed or other-sexed partners. For most straight people, this usually means attraction to the opposite biological sex, but for some straight people it can also include attraction to certain trans and intersex people, as well as people of all sorts of gender identities.CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link)
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    91. Lorna (15 October 2018). "What's In A Name?". Scottish Bi+ Network. Archived from the original on 30 January 2010. Retrieved November 26, 2019. Bi: Attraction to two or more genders, and can include non-binary gender(s). Can also be used for attraction to all genders.
    92. Savin-Williams, Ritch C. (14 June 2018). "Are Pansexuals Bisexual, Queer, Trans, Asexual, or Unique?". Psychology Today. Retrieved 18 September 2021. bisexuality refers to sexual/romantic attraction to both men and women, to varying degrees.
    93. Sutherland, Amy (2020). "LGBTQIAPK: Let's Unpack the Acronym". Harlot. Archived from the original on 17 July 2023. Retrieved 18 September 2021. A bisexual person is someone who is sexually and romantically attracted to both male- and female-identifying people.
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