List of uncommon nonbinary identities

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    This list of uncommon nonbinary identities contains gender identities that have been coined by various people but are not widely-used. This does not mean that the identity is not valid, but that not many people have decided to use it (More information...). See also List of nonbinary identities.


    • alexigender. Coined by eaglestrike in 2014. "A fluid gender experience, where you are aware that your gender is changing but cannot label each individual gender".[1] A kind of genderfluid.
    • aliagender (from Latin alius, "other") is “A gender experience which is 'other', or stands apart from existing gender constructs.”[2]
    • ambigender. As defined by Baaphomett in 2014, "Experiencing two genders simultaneously and without fluidity or shifting."[3] Syn. Bigender?
    • ambonec. A nonbinary "gender identity in which you identify as both male and female, yet you also identify as neither, at the same time."[4][5][6]



    • collgender. Coined by anonymous in 2014. Having "too many simultaneous genders to describe each one."[7]


    • demiflux. A gender identity for "someone whose gender is partially fluid with the other part(s) being static; this differs from 'demifluid' as '-flux' indicates that one of the genders is neutral; an example could be: one part of their gender is 'genderqueer' while the part that fluctuates is 'agender' and 'woman'."[8] "A term for polygender/bigender individuals to describe when one of their genders is “static” and the other ranges in intensity and presence. coined by: aflutteringlaney" [9]


    • eafluid. Coined by a-tiny-peach in 2014. "Genderfluid but mostly/only fluid with androgynous [non-binary] genders (based on earth symbol)". Syn. nobifluid, enbyfluid [10]
    • effreu. From French effrayant "scary" + neutre "neutral," coined by angeligender in 2014. A scary non-binary gender. "It is a [non-binary] gender, may be paired with agender and other genders." Counterparts: effrille, effron.[11] Keywords: emotion
    • effrille. From French effrayant "scary" + fille "girl," coined by angeligender in 2014. "Scary girl. it is a [non-binary] girl gender, may be paired with agender and other genders." Counterparts: effron, effreu.[11]
    • effron. From French effrayant "scary" + garçon "boy", coined by angeligender in 2014. "Scary boy. it is a [non-binary] boy gender, may be paired with agender and other genders." Counterparts: effrille, effreu.[11]
    • epicene. Meaning gender-neutral or genderless, some people use this as the name for their gender identity.



    • Gallus (pl. Galli, also Gallae). In ancient Rome (c. 204 BCE), many of the ancient priest(esse)s of the goddess Cybele were Gallae, voluntary eunuchs who were analogous to either transgender women, or to a nonbinary gender role. The tradition has been revived today: some worshipers of Cybele-- and some trans and nonbinary individuals-- call themselves Gallae. One of their temples is in New York. Why this is considered poorly-attested: Need demographics. Need evidence that this is nonbinary, rather than another gender role.
    • genderfae. Coined by anonymous in 2014. "An experience of genderfluidity that never encompasses feeling masculine." [12] Similar: femmefluid, antigender. Keywords: feminine, neutral.



    • intergender.[13] Coined in the 1990s or earlier. A certain nonbinary gender identity in between female and male. In the 1990s, this was an identity label that any person could use, even if they were born with non-intersex (dyadic) bodies,Cite error: Closing </ref> missing for <ref> tag Similar: nocturnalgender, lunagender. Keywords: genderfluid.


    • libragender. Coined by libragender in 2014. "Gender that is mostly agender, but has a strong connection to a different gender; a scale, where one side is agender and one side is male/female. The agender outweighs the male/female, but male/female is still there" [14]


    • marfluid. Coined by a-tiny-peach in 2014. "Genderfluid but mostly/only fluid with masculine genders (based on mars symbol)." [15] Synonyms butchfluid, mascufluid. Antonyms femmefluid, genderfae, venufluid.


    • null gender. A person without a gender identity, or whose gender identity is not feminine and not masculine.


    • OC-Gender, O-Gender, or C-Gender: A set of gender identities that are heavily influenced or defined by one’s OCD. The variations describe a feeling that one’s gender is influenced or defined by obsessions only, by compulsions only, or by both obsessions and compulsions.
    • ogligender. Coined by anonymous. You have three to five genders, inclusive. [16] Note that if a person has three genders, they can also call themself tri-gender, which see.
    • oneirogender. Coined by anonymous in 2014. "being agender, but having recurring fantasies or dreams of being a certain gender without the actual dysphoria or desire to actually be that gender day-to-day. e.g. oneiroboy, oneirogirl, oneirononbinary, etc"[17]
    • other gender. Sometimes a nonbinary gender identity.


    • personagender. Coined by: definition by anonymous user, term coined by twerkingobserver. "where you refer to yourself as a girl or a boy for the sake of convenience or because your gender is too confusing but don’t really identify as that; e.g. personagirl or personaboy".[18]
    • pre- and postgender. "Before and after a gender; preboy would be moving to identify as a boy but has yet to fully embrace the term and pregirl would be moving to identify as a girl but has yet to fully embrace the term; postboy would have moved on from identifying as a boy but still has gendered ties to identifying as a boy and postgirl would have moved on from identifying as a girl but still has gendered ties to identifying as a girl." Coined by Baaphomett [19].
    • preterbinary. From Latin praeter- "beyond, more than, past." Coined by Baaphomett. "Beyond the the gender binary/spectrum of male and female."[3]
    • proxvir.[20] "a gender relative to male, but is something separate and entirely on it’s own." Coined 2014 by tumblr user ren, who felt he no longer identified with "demiboy" because of that word's focus on "boy" and implication of a split/mixed gender. Intended as an adjective.[21]


    • qirl. A gender identity for black transgender nonbinary feminine people.[22]
    • Quantigender. Coined by VibraLively 2019. A gender that is an earthly transmutation originating in a conscious awareness of dimensions of reality typically separate from any of the typical perception of everyday life. Examples of skills essential to have experiences beyond what can be described as typical, include expertise in hard sciences, mystical practice, or any other skill one has developed sufficiently to be able to experience a fully focused state of immersion and flow, from acrobatics to knitting. It is through the mental state of clarity, equanimity, and unwavering focus that one can begin to release one's grasp of one's gross body, and begin to identify more with one's subtle energetic body, before, in turn, letting go of the subtle body before ultimately coming to identify with the multiverse, Godhead, or Cosmic Consciousness as whole. It is in these super-dimensional travels and in subsequent dimensions, that the origins of earthly quantigenders can be mapped. In a sentence:
      • "We were practicing our yoga and breathwork rituals when suddenly we came upon another alter ego in our polygender multiplicity It happened like this: As our subtle body gave our gross body permission to sleep, exactly one complete possible timeline of reality appeared before as we could behold all one possible reality simultaneously, extending into the past back to the big bang and toward the future all the way to the ultimate heat death of the universe. Simultaneously, it was as if we were watching it's quantity diminish into a singular actuality as the present moment continuously unfolded before our perceptions. Then, multiple timelines appeared before us, and more timelines after that. Then, we appeared before us, watching timelines appear and multiple. We were watching timelines multiply while watching our multiplying selves watch timelines multiply. Toward the conclusion of this rapid inter-dimensional succession, we became so expansive we began to asymptotically approach a thing that some might call God, or Consciousness, or just the *is*-ness. We saw her, took a quick mental image of just one of her infinite sides, and used it in a later ritual to transmute her aspect into a new quantigender alter ego in of our system."
    • questioning. Some take up this as a name for their gender identity, and some see it as a nonbinary gender identity.
    • Quoigender. Meaning "what" + gender from French. Has various definitions including "someone who feels that gender identity and/or existing gender terms don't apply to them" and "someone whose relationship with gender is complicated".


    • salmacian. "Suggested by [Raphael Carter in 1996 or earlier] as a term for male-to-intersex and female-to-intersex transsexuals."[23]
    • sychnogender, sychnogenderfluid. Gk. συχνός "frequent." Coined by gyey. "Like [argrogender] but regarding frequency. The gender of someone who is sychnogender might change many times throughout the course of a day." [24]


    • tachigender, tachigenderfluid. Gk. ταχύτητα "speed." Coined by gyey. "Like [argrogender] but regarding rapidity, a gender that changes quickly or that otherwise has to do with high speed." [25]
    • transgender[26] is an umbrella term for all genders that go beyond society’s ideas of gender, which includes some kinds of binary gender people. Some call their gender identity simply "transgender," as a nonbinary identity itself. Why this is in the list of poorly-attested nonbinary identities: transgender is a common enough identity, held by thousands, but we need evidence that many people use "transgender" as nonbinary identity in and of itself.
    • trauatgender. Coined by furryhell. "A gender that varies; it can change a lot, it could be unknown, it could just be there, it could be nonexistent, etc. Whatever it is, it was based from intense trauma. Should only be used by those who have experienced or are going through what they consider intense trauma."[27] Keywords: neurodiversity, trauma, PTSD, time, questioning, fluid, genderless


    • ungender. Coined by Baaphomett in 2014. "Not without but a negative; an unboy would be the negative of a boy and an ungirl would be the negative of a girl."[28]


    • venufluid. Coined by a-tiny-peach. "Genderfluid but mostly/only fluid with feminine genders (based on venus symbol)." [29] Syn. femmefluid.
    • Virgender (coined by stevenuniversequartz[30]) is defined as a gender identity that is practically and particularly genderless. This usually happens when it is too stressful or difficult to have a gender. A gender identity that feels weakened by stress, to the point where one is nearly genderless. The prefix comes from the constellation Virgo, the maiden.


    • wintgender, wintegender, or wintergender. (Coined by asperdemigirl in 2014. Similar to blizzgender but it encompasses a second gender. a winteboy might experience both a cold, harsh, and snowy gender, but also being male, also for example.[31]


    • xumgender (coined by ademcshades[32]) is defined as never being satisfied with your gender due to constant self-doubt or identity issues, causing one to compulsively search and seek out something that fits as perfect as possible–to find “the gender” or “the one truth”–though one will never be found due to one’s neurotype, because words will never be able to describe it, and/or its own properties paradox itself. This frequent anxiety and doubt even causes this gender to feel imperfect to the individual. Keywords: xenogender, neurogender, anxiety, OCD, OCPD

    See also


    3. 3.0 3.1
    5. "Terms." Queer Querys (blog).
    6. "Ambonec." Mogai-Archive (blog). (dead link)
    8. Savage. "Demigender definitions." Demigender safe space.
    11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 "Scary genders." Mogai-Archive.
    13. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named NBGQ2016
    18. Retrieved 2014.
    20. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named Proxvir and Juxera
    21. [1]
    22. vmerli.
    23. Raphael Carter, "Angel's Dictionary." 1996-07-14. [2]
    26. NBGQ2016 survey results.
    28. "Masterpost of genders coined by Baaphomett." 2014. MOGAI Archive. [3]